Friday, November 30, 2007

Taman Negara Trip

Hey guys, as i have told u all, there will be a trip to Taman Negara on 2nd to the 5th of Jan 2008. Thats right! we are celebrating New Year in the jungles together with the wild animals.

The schedule for the whole journey is not yet planned but I will just tell u all a bit about the activities we are going to do there.
  • water rafting
  • see the sunrise
  • waterfall
  • bat cave
  • visit the 'bumbun'
  • canopy walk
  • jungle trekking

Most likely we will be going there by KTM on 8.30pm on the 2nd Jan and reach Jerantut by 4.00am. From Jerantut we will take a bus to Kuala Tahan, which is in Taman Negara. We will sleep in the cabin (2 beds per cabin). There won't be any restaurant in the train, but there is a cafeteria.

The cost (per person):

  • Accomodation (dorm 8 beds per room) - 80
  • Bumbun - 5
  • Entry Permit - 1
  • KTM - 38
  • Bus (Jerantut to Kuala Tahan) - 10 (estimated)
  • Food - (depends on how much u eat)

Total = 134 + food + miscellaneous

The dorm is air conditioned. Long walk is required, and u all better train yourself to walk fast so that we can leave Ken behind (joking). There will be leeches. We will brief u all about some compulsory stuff to bring later. Thats all for now.

Please confirm by next wed (5th Dec).

Monday, November 26, 2007

This is ingenious!

This is a video of the Super Mario Bros Theme Song played by using lightning to create the sound. It's crazy to think how they made it!

Weiyang, want to explain how they made that sound? You've got room to make comments now.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Love, Lies and Stalkers

Due to the lack of posts, we are forced to copy and paste a very interesting conversation in the comment box......

frodo: whats the name of that very beautiful girl with very short hair from pm3?

max: WTF!!!

revan: unfortunately if frodo is referring to you-know-who,it seems that we now have a very interesting definition of beautiful

YS: amazing...... just amazing....

frodo: oh cmon, beauty is objective, ainnit? i just want to know her name

frodo: whoops, subjective, i mean

frodo: and besides, dont be mean to your own classmate lah

revan: well since its being subjective, there shouldn't be any measure of 'mean-ness' in this matter. everyone has their own opinions. nobody wud deliberately have some personal grudge

frodo: perhaps she isnt the conventional girl guys usually expect, but thats what makes her special (to me, at least)

revan: frodo, mind intro urself?

Batman: frodo, mind me asking have you ever left a msg using another name before???

YS: this frodo guy's really interesting... we should all meet up for lunch one day. yeah, batman, i think he has posted using a different name before, unless he's deliberately trying to confuse us

li xing: omg this is getting sappy...yay lunch!

xwei: oh..god..the chat box is the most interesting thing here

frodo: sigh alright, i'll be honest. yes i did use another name before
** must be one of the salty wet people who posted the porn links... Haha, just kidding.**

frodo: her name, please? thank you very much

TBS: I think frodo is flattering him/herself. Anyone agree?

revan: bengsoon mabuk di

TBS: its a little to early to be wasted, but in a few hours maybe...

frodo: her name, please? thank you very very much

max: hey frodo. we give u her name provided we know who are u. otherwise, we wunt cause problems for our classmate even though we arent much close to her
**What a nice guy he is...**

YS: max, don't threaten him like that.... i'm sure he's shy and all
**one of the rare times he defends for someone**

frodo: thanks YS

frodo: i'm a fellow taylor's student and a nice person in real life. i will never cause any trouble, i promise.
**that's true. he used the library computers**

Mark: oh.. i FINALLY realise who the short hair person is...and do i know you frodo? I think I know who you are...

frodo: im still agonising to find out her name...

max: like we aren't waiting for you to reveal yourself.

TBS: come on Mark tell us who u think frodo is.

Mark: nah.. ive asked the person i think is frodo in college today if he is frodo, he said he isnt. but then again, im not entirely sure if its true. anyhow, i doubt u know who he is. hes from jun 06 intake

nut: wow!!!frodo!!gambate!
**nut used to be head cheerleader in his previous school. Why?! boys can't be cheerleaders is it??**

frodo: gosh, thanks, nut

frodo: no, mark, im not him. and please stop speculating who i am. i can assure you guys that im no crazy stalker, just a fella who wants to at least know the name of the girl he likes, thats all. if it isnt convenient to reveal her name here, how about if i give you guys my email and you send it to me? will that be better? thanks

YS: why don't you ask her name yourself?? be brave

?: Go on then, ask. I dare you.
**our main character finally reveals herself..... but her threats might have scared the hobbit frodo away.**

frodo: ? is that you? oh my god...gosh, im very sorry to disrupt your exams. okay, may i know your name, please? thank you very much..

?: No

frodo: i hope to know who your are, that is all i ask for.


frodo: alright then, may i know the name of the girl with very short hair from pm3?

?: No.

frodo: and why not?

?: Shouldn't you ask her that yourself?
**i have no idea what this means**

TBS: This is getting interesting. Very short? Short as in boy short?

frodo: because, for personal reasons, i dont really want her to know who i am
** i wonder what PERSONAL reasons is he talking about**

frodo: if you want to contact me, my email is
**to the kids out there, never simply publish personal info on the web like this guy**

frodo: TBS: you know who im referring to

frodo: by the way, i really hope i didnt distract your exams. im sorry

John: whats wrong with telling her name. its just a name what. her name is donald duck
**who the heck is john?!**

TBS: thats why i asked how short is short.

frodo: ?, i will respect your decision not to reveal your name here. and i will not disrupt your exams again. sorry. (to all) good luck for your exams too.

revan: ok la i tell la...u ppl damn chicken la....

revan: frodo plz refer new post. post will be deleted on 14 nov 21:06
** the post was short. it only stated "the name's _ _ _"**

frodo: revan, i didnt see anything! i just logged in!
**wow, isn't he the smart type?? White fonts, boy, white fonts!!**

TBS: lol! too good, too good!

frodo: oh no, oh no, oh nooooo
**why? she has the same name as your mother is it??**

TBS: shocking?

frodo: TBS, why do you hate me so much?
**TBS also has a crush on her. Haha.**

frodo: God, THANK YOU SO MUCH. im sorry for spamming and disturbing you all, i'll leave promptly. thank you again
**wouldn't it saved you all the trouble if you just asked her yourself??**

TBS: it looks like after so many hours spent pestering pm3, frodo@Gale has gotten his name

YS: his name is gale?
**another clueless guy... sigh...**

?: No one ever thought about the possibility that I might actually read the class blog?

revan: who the **** now is ?

Ken: Who is this ?
**another blur fellow.... read the comment box lar.**

TBS: pm me or sms me n i'll tell you who i think it is.

?: I'm the one who wanted our mathematics teacher to teach A2 instead of AS revision.
**a robot??**

poh: omg...

nut: wow..she read it!

revan: could be an imposter

xwei: ooooo......

YS: this is getting complicated...... shouldn't we be focusing on AS right now?? and i thought she doesn't use a computer at home?

?: There are exceptions to the rule, right? And how do you know I'm at home?

Ken: She can use the pc in college wat...
** don't state the obvious lar ken, we're not stupid...**

YS: i don't think she'll use the computers in the college to read our blog, most probably to read
stuff up on wikipedia.

yiyun: lol.....i find this whole thg darn amusing la

max: Eh. Readin stuff on wikipedia ain't bad u know. Its actually very fun. That is if your definition of fun is the same context as mine.
**no one would have the same definition of fun like you......**

revan: it aint fun, its knowledgable

TBS: wow an instant change of topic.

?: You should see the amount of stuff they have on mathematics there on wikipedia

revan: so?

?: It's nice.

revan: SO?

YS: haha. at least we all agree wikipedia is good
**eh, another time trying to make peace and defend someone... so unusual**

TBS: revan what r u trying to do here la?

revan: nth...bored la
**obviously this guy has finished studying for AS**

Batman: maybe we should copy and paste the whole chatbox as a post in our blog.. haha

That's all for now. Hopefully more interesting post will follow. Or else we will be forced to post the comment box again. i think ours is the only blog sad enough to do this. POST people!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Lack of Updates

What the hell is wrong with you people??? Post something about your life!!! This blog is so dead....even the comment box is more interesting that the blog itself...... Update people!!!!!