Saturday, June 14, 2008

PM 3 @ Prom

There, I've uploaded about 50 !@&@%$*^)(&#(&@$ pictures taken with my camera, all nicely editted. X_X

So yeah pls guys, do yr part and upload the photos too otherwise I'll throw a hissy fit and take down this post!

Yes. I am that eager to look at the rest of em' pics. I know YOU are too.

OH yeah, most of the pics will have *my* face in's from my cam, so what do u expect.

Alright. Taking a break from my face.

jaclyn + wen yao

...and back to me :P

Heheh YS didn't manage to spoil the picture afterall.


a happy picture

another happy pic

Woohoo Permesh going down and dirrty on da dance floor..

oops...sorryy shuling!

while the rest of us just stoned -__-

xw & joel looking alike!

My fav photo of the night.

Cool peeps with a very sesat Permesh.

half the pm3 girls

Spot MS DURGA! o.O

*the end*

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