Sunday, June 22, 2008

Summary of the tioman trip

i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!tioman was sooooooooooooo fun!!!!!!i finally did smth i wanted to do in a long lie on d beach at nite and get lost in the lahlemme try recall everythin tht happened.june15 -d idiotic bus driver was speeding the whole nite for dunno wht reason.. scheduled to reach at 6am but reached at 2:30 am .WTH?! all the precious time tht could hv been spent wisely ,ie; to sleep. ended up playing one uno session for an hour.LOL...cause there was around 14ppl playing.hahaha!!june16-went to the beach. walked /baywatch style -to another 'island' HAHHAHAA. called it PM3 island. on the way back to beach, YS attempted to pull me into the water, while SP helped. lucky thing my muscular legs/arms didn't fail me.wahahaha.kidding larh.. too tired to continue playing, thanks to the cb driver last went back to nite, played mafia and some other stuf..cant rmbr =pjune17 -snorkelled!!!!!!! hey thts an achievement wei.....i dunno hw to swim summore!=D i think i saw a condom in the sea.ewwww it wasnt the jelly fish.what i saw was WHITE ,Not transparent, and LONG. yeaa, i was screaming like a school girl (phobia la kay?) and some peeps helped me, thx ya!! touched a FAT ASS RUBBERY SEA CUCUMBER .arrrrrgggh so geliiiiii....yux maaaan it was like a ..........rubbery piece of shit.yeahgot a 10cm long not kidding ..not sure how i got it.but i think its cause i was climbing up the boat. sorta grazed my arm on the side of the nite,arm wrestled SP, no footage of me winning but deeeeep down inside i know i won.AHAHHA=D cause he was cheating, he twisted my wrist, and he used his spare tyres to wear me out. sheesh.then d guys made a campfire thingy. v made 'smores' minus the biscuits (marshmallows la) over d fire.YUMMEH! and i saw wht the beach looks like when its low tide. WOWWW i'd be freaked out if i were alone la..but i went to try walkin on the rox since i thought id nvr be able to do it again. oooo slippy slidy but worth the try. guys invited us to their room later at nite.makanned and listened to some rather interesting stories.LOL.june18 -went kayaking .too bad no other water sports there. wanted to try parasailing .too baaad.anywayyyyy, on the way back v sorta 'joined' 3 kayaks to make one rly strained my right arm. the rest played some bola. i decided to mengembara on the beach. walked all the way to the end, saw the muara sungai.OMGGGG so creepy la..alot of abandoned boats there. i stood in the muara for quite some time, water was damn cooling.i bet U never stood in one b4! but i was freaked out la..i guess the desire to try new stuff made me forget bout the freaky .at nite, v (girls) were WAITING for d guys to invite desperate hor.frikkin bored ma. cudn't tahan d ..then i called to ask them to invite us.hahahaa..watched a movie, abt transexuals, while slipping in and out of sleep.ahhahaajune19 -waited for ferry at 8:30, turned out ferry arrives at 10,but waited til about 11 sth.lolfed the fish in the sea some cooked maggi.hHAHHAHA kidding la..some uncooked maggi and bread.i wanted to kick a cat into the sea but its too mean la.i'd be responsible for a life and i dont want those were the highlights of the trip la. YAY

copied from auntie chan's blog

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