Sunday, June 22, 2008

Tioman Batu!!!

This is all the highlights and summary of the Tioman Trip. I have compiled all the post into one to avoid confusion and makes it easier to read. Sunday and Monday is written by Poh while i finished the rest.

Hey everyone. It was so cool to have a bunch of crazy people like us going for a 4 day trip to Tioman. Seriously it batu (rox)!! Here's the outline of the activities we had.


We gathered at the Pudu Raya Bus Station at 9.00 pm at night. We waited very long for Tze Lin, and Nut finally called him at 9.30pm.

"Hey Tze Lin, where are u?"

"I am at home having dinner with my family. My relatives came over."

"Err... What?? Do u know that the bus is leaving at 10?"

"OMG, I thought it was on Monday 10.00pm!!! I haven't even pack my stuff."

"You got 30 mins to pack and come here."

Well, miracles do happen. With lightning speed he managed to stuff all his clothes and necessities into the bag and sped all the way to Pudu Raya.

Mission Impossible 1.

I am very lazy to blog some more.... haha.. some one pls continue...


The bus ride was quite fun and scary. Everyone tried to get some sleep but they are too excited to do so. In addition to that, the bus was speeding all the way to Mersing. The 6 hours journey was shortened to just 4 and a half hours, many thanks to the crazy bus driver. So basically we reached at 2 am in the morning. And the ferry only comes at 7.30am. So, we chatted while playing card games, tried to sleep and played football at the jetty. At around 6.00am, we went to a mamak stall 5 minutes walk away to have our breakfast before leaving in the ferry.

So we reached our Paya (pariah) Beach Resort in Tioman at around 9.00 am. Everyone was so sleepy and tired. To our horror, the resort is not even close to what is described in their website. The pool was miniscule, the cybercafe was also pathetic, and we did not even dare to check out the spa. The beach outside the resort is so short and steep. We checked into our rooms at around 11 or 12. Ken, poh, desmond, weiyang were in 1 room, 1 room for the girls, 1 room for nut, yansheng, wenpeng, yuen herng, and 1 room for beng soon, vinfei, permesh, joel and tzelin.

Some of us played at the beach while others slept that afternoon. We walked (yes, walked) to a nearby island, and named it PM3 Island. In the evening, some of us played waterpolo in the swimming pool. The rules were modified by tzelin and gang.

At night, the dinner was like chap fan ( mixed rice ). The food was ok. No seafood though. After dinner we went to poh's room to play mafia. It was so funny because ken will always be the first one to be killed no matter who the mafia is. If he is not killed its either he is the mafia or the doctor. Haahaha.... Then we chatted for a while about random stuff before going to bed.


Sui Poh is too lazy to blog so I will continue with the Trip.

The main event of the day was snorkeling. Ken was the biggest loser for today he spent the day sleeping in the boat while everyone was happily snorkeling. Apparently he had "psychological seasick", a strange sickness where when you get on a boat, you will suddenly feel dizzy and weak, but when you step on land you immediately feel like gaysuperman.

Anayway, after breakfast we took an incredibly slow boat to an island to snorkel. Ban-ko was the coolest as he didn't know how to swim but jumped into the sea with his slippers. That's courage man. Unlike the lousy lixing, who spent half an hour screaming on the edge of the boat because she was scared. Then she hang on to Tzelin for half an hour before snorkeling on her own. Everything was fine until a flock of jellyfish decided to come and look at our pretty faces and then everyone started to panic and rushed up the boat like madmen. Everyone claimed to have got stung but i doubt it.

The boys went to play gay water basketball, which has a complex set of rules and lots of body hugging between the same sex. Ken enjoyed it the most.

At night, we had a campfire and burned marshmallows. Then we lay on the beach and looked at stars as we formed chemical bonds and chat about random stuff. Later, the girls came into our room (sorry joel's room and those in Ken's room never stood a chance, due to *cough cough*) and we had a sort of midnight snack thing. Suddenly, Ken came carrying his own cup of instant noodles and we were all shocked that he knew we had a supper. It turns out he was spying on us. At least he shared us his grandmother love story where his girlfriend gave him *holds nose* " a string" for his birthday.


We went kayaking on our last day at tioman, but it turns out to be canoing instead. We all kayaked to PM3 Island.
It was a pissing day for many of us as Ken, once again, showed how much worse than a girl he is and proved to us that is not wrong that we always called him gay. Because he knew he had already wasted precious RM 15 on a fruitless snorkeling trip, he insisted that he went canoing with us. He only went once, and refused to paddle because he is weak. Desmond was exhausted by the time they got to the island. Furthermore, Yuen Herng had to push the boat from behind. Tzelin and Wen Peng had to become heroes and towed the boat containing the useless Ken who still refused to paddle back. They had to struggle to paddle the lump of lard back and the current was bringing them further out into the sea and a storm was coming. Thankfully they came back alive and Ken didn't even thank them. At least he bought them lunch.

Mr. Ho bought us dinner because according to some people, he was happy because Emilia sat beside him during lunch. We ate at some chinese "big fry". Thanks Wei Yang.
After that, we returned to our rooms but then Lixing was too desperate according to her post, and so we invited them into our room. This time, Ken did ask Poh and Desmond to come join us. We chatted a while and watched some old shit show until a drunk Mr. Ho came and made so much noise till the neighbours complained. Being drunk, he even challenged them to a fight, so we all ran downstairs into the girls room and watched a Gay show called " A Girl like Me", which taught Ken a valuable lesson.


Last day at Tioman and we were all quite sad that we were all leaving soon. We missed the ferry because Joel thought it was as at 8.30am but the ferry was at 8. So we had to wait for the 10.30am ferry and nearly missed the bus. We had to bribe the driver to wait for us. Thankfully we made it. On the way home, it was raining but we didn't even come close to any accidents due to the excellent braking system of the bus. We parted ways near the Pudu Raya bus station and made our seperate way home.

That's our PM3 Tioman class trip summary. I'm a little confused with some of the dates due to the lack of sleep on monday morning. Correct me if i made any mistakes and i'm also lazy to check the spelling. Hope we will have another trip like this in the future.

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