Saturday, January 31, 2009

Nerd Post

Since u noob shits are calling me a nerd, I will give u a nerd post.

Somethings i learnt in the dissection room (DR):
  • Muscles of the tongue: Genioglossus, Styloglossus, Hyoglossus, Palatoglossus
  • Nerve supply: All hypoglossal nerve (XII) besides palatoglossus (IX,X)
  • Tears produced at the lateral side of the eye, passes medially across the conjunctival sac, before going in through the puncta, then into the lacrimal sac, then into the nasolacrimal duct, before coming out of the inferior nasal meatus. So basically, tears drains into the nose.
  • Sore throat = laryngitis
  • Some kids suffer from tonsilitis. A lot of people got their tonsils removed when they are young.
More random stuff:
  • pulmonary circulation receives the whole cardiac output
  • around 40% of our DNA is junk DNA (doesn't have any functions or not known yet)
  • cancer is a result of multiple mutation. One mutation alone cannot cause cancer.
  • Due to being in upright position, most poportion of the air that we breathe goes deep into the lungs, rather than the apex.
  • Blood flow to the base of the lungs are higher than the blood flowing to the apex of the lung.
  • Vigra is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Sexual stimulation cause production of NO from arginine by NOS in endothelial. NO is secreted into smooth muscle. NO activates guanylyl cyclase to make cGMP. cGMP will cause smooth muscle to relax and dilate the blood vessel. Viagra inhibit phosphodiesterase which will break down cGMP, causing high cGMP concentration in smooth muscle. Therefore penis remains erected.
Engineering in our body:
  • Our muscle is at a mechanical disadvantage because it attaches close to the fulcrum. (Biseps attaches close to the elbow.) However, by doing that, we are able to manipulate our movements by just a small change in muscle length. (Imagine if your biseps which flexes your elbow is attached near to the wrist, far from the fulcrum (elbow). You will need more change in length of the muscle to facilitate the same movement.
  • Carbon dioxide cannot be present in water without generating bicarbonate ions.
  • Nerve action potential is similar to digital transmission of information.
Ok. Enough of that. Anyway, life as a medic is tough ok.... There is no doubt to that. We get really loads of work.

Other facts:
  • People here actually studies before they go to lectures/ dissection/ lab. WHATS THEIR PROBLEM????? You can actually see their notes loaded with notes and underline/ highlights. Apparently we are suppose to know most of the things when we get to the dissection room. We are not there to learn, but to be tested on.
  • Some students can just fire all the answers like nobody's business. And the best thing is that we havent even learnt about it yet.
  • We finished the cranial nerve, all the structures in the head in 4 weeks. How's that even possible?
  • In supervision, again you are being asked questions. I thought its a place where you learn, not being tested!! Some are for the past lectures, which they assume you have known. Some are for future lectures.
  • Every week there will be essays for you to fill up your weekend, and not to mention revision for the previous lectures.
  • I am dancing for Malaysian night.
  • My cooking improved (quote from my friend)
  • Screaming and running out of the lecture hall when the lecturer is talking about how G proteins stimulate alpha subunit before activating adenylate cyclase, will make you a legend.
Life is wonderful in Cambridge.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


to all pm3's of class 08/09!!! ( and to our avid readers as well! )

This year is the year of the bull!!

Laugh lots, get enough OXygen and don't ever me MOOdy!!
Don't take BULLshit from other people, gather courage and don't be a COWard this year!!
Oh yea...does that mean we can't eat beef this year?

have a wonderful year guys!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese new year,guys. Seeing as how our blog looks dead, i decided to post something. lol. For those of you in Msia, you guys are soooo lucky to be able to celebrate CNY in Msia. *sobs* Have a good celebration guys. Miss you all!!~ PM3 is rocks! =p

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Drugs Song

For those who has trouble with pharm!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

PM3 adventure 09

Hey ppl! What are u guys planning to do this summer? Anyone fancy a trip to rome.. or vienna even? Yeap its the one we were talking about at eddie rockets haha and nope, i havent planned anything but this is just a thought.. And since most of us will only be here in uk/ireland for 2 summers, this might be our only chance to really travel together while we're all still here. So let me know if you guys are interested ok? Apparently my term ends officially on the 12th of june but i could get off earlier like some of my seniors said i would. Ken suggested a 12 day trip around so yeahh let me know what u guys think of the plan ok? This will be even better than tioman seriously! heh.. Good luck with the exams!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

PM3 in the News

Here is another reason PM3 is rocks and people in Dublin and who visit Dublin also rocks :

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mini Christmas PM3 reunion 2

Decor at the restaurant.

Me and Yiyun

Beng and vinfei eating irish stew.

Yiyun taking pics with krispy kreme that Beng gave us. thanks beng!!

Christmas Market at Docklands.

Beng, me and Vinfei at Christmas market.

Me, Wenyao, Beng and Vinfei at christmas market.

Roasted mushrooms, grilled sausages and potatoes.

German waffles aka waffles on a stick with chocolate. yum~ =D

here are some photos i've been meaning to post.sorry for the delay.

Happy New Year Pm3!
Miss you guys loads! ='(

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year Celebration in London

This is how we celebrate new year at Thames River in London. Sorry for the poor video quality cause I zoomed in quite a lot and my camera is 4 years old d. Happy New Year 2009!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year Celebration in Dublin

And I forgot to mention that they drink and make out as well. Hah.

Outside Christ Church. Vin Fei, see I'm wearing your Christmas present. Thank you!

How was your New Year?

Some random relevence to new year celebration..

my attempt to decorate the room

best ice cream flavour in the world!!! better than cookie dough okay. only 3 euros!

The new heater I bought from Glasgow which I'm very proud of. =D

Me study table. Exams coming soon!!!

To the most awesome class ever, Happy 2009, PM 3!!

I miss you all. =(