Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Its again the most exciting time of the year ----- the exam term.

People here in uk enjoy studying in the garden, under the sun, and probably get skin cancer in the process.

Medics is not an easy subject to read. We have to read about the massive amount of information on the complex human body and REMEMBERING them, from the molecular level to the anatomy of the body to the interactions between different system. And, we have to do all that in 2.5 to 3 years (as the final 2 years are for clinical training).

In Cambridge, there are may hardcore students who are so kiasu. And whoever told you that angmohs are not kiasu are bullshitting. The fact is that a large proportion of the angmohs are as kiasu, if not more, as the Asians. There is one person from Downing college studied like from 8am to 1am everyday. He only go out of his room during lectures, and not any other time. If a Cambridge student tells you that he didn't study much, he probably meant that he studied like 7 hours a day. And if he tells you he did study, then the chances are he is studying at least 12 hours a day.

Ok, maybe I am exaggerating, but people here study REALLY hard. Some crazy students can just recite to you the whole DNA---> RNA -----> protein process just like that. You can ask them anything from which vertebral level does the testicular artery comes off the aorta to what nerve supplies the adductor pollicis, and he can just tell you straight off his head. I hope I am one of those people, but sadly, I am nowhere near that.

You hardly bump into any students when u are walking on the street because they will most probably be studying in their room.

Engineers, stop complaining about how much math you need to do. At least math is easier than memorising.

What am i doing blogging now? I should be studying.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Dubliners are happening

The 5 of us met up again for lunch since Joel was in town for the weekend.

The very yummy Jap food we had.

They missed each other alot. When it was time to go, they bid each other a teary farewell. =p

Then after our main course, Jaclyn and Xiao Wei bought out a surprise.


to celebrate Joel's and my 20th birthday.
Awwww thank you thank you thank you! It was so thoughtful of you guys. And sorry I ter-kicked the cake outside. Lol! I didn't know!

Group photo with the cake. It was really goood by the way, tiramisu.

Singing happy birthday and declaring Joel's a loser.

Monday, April 13, 2009


my contribution to our dead-ish blog. random photo.

looks like one of our classmates has a business right here in Dublin. Ken isn't the only business-man/person in pm3! 

Happy easter,guys.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Tze Lin Lookalike


our friend from Belfast.

which one?

the one far left.

seriously he looks like tze lin! the smile, the should see him in person, the resemblance is uncanny!

do the comparison yourself guys!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Hey guys, I finally tried Baileys and Vodka 2 days ago!!!

But they suck, in my opinion. When i take a sip, the alcohol just go up into my nose and it also burns my throat.... Bailey is nice without the alcohol though.

Here is a group pic of all the msians freshers and a few singaporeans. We were having cookout in someone's place.

And i went punting last week (finally). And apparently anyone who fall into the river of Cam will get a first. Sounds a bit too easy doesn't it? The catch is that you must fall into the river ACCIDENTALLY. Well, I didn't fall into the river though.

Here is a random picture for u.

Can someone post something?