So after class on friday, muscleman, amplifier, desby and President Siung drove cocoNUT, womaniser J, Gaylord, Samurai Jack, Slipperling, Gangster Chan/Clown, Joker, Emilia Ting/Xiao Po, anime goth/zombie Ngun and me to Klang. After a nerve wrecking ride that was supposed to be only 30 mins but ended up to be an hour long, we finally reached our destination.
Actually, it was only nerve wrecking for those who sat in Desby's car. Our class rep was so concerned about the people following his lead( and because i was constantly barking out orders so that he became excited and tense) that he kept looking in his rear view mirror that he first, nearly knocked into a guy crossing the road. Then he nearly knocked into the back of a car because it was a red light, and thirdly, accelerated (even though i asked him to stop) to beat a red light, then suddenly realised that now he was ahead while the others was stuck at the traffic light. Then, while driving downhill after a toll, he was concerned about the people stuck in at the toll, and keep accelerating downhill, and nearly knocked into this black perdana. Finally, the funniest one was at a traffic light when it was yellow, and i screamed at desby to break,but he was undecided and panicked , so he only stepped on the breaks lightly, and ended up stopping in the middle of the road. YES desby, you are the best driver ever!!!! HAHA. It was damn funny and dangerous at the same time.
Anyway, we proceeded to the restaurant and according to desby, the chef is his moms cousin and the waiter lady was his mom's cousin's wife. So that's basically like his own family restaurant. Desby proceeded to serve us tea and helped wash our forks and spoons. Such a good host.
Desmond ordered enough meat for 10 people and it came in 4 large claypots. It also came with delicious steamed( i think) vegetables.
Verdict: Quite delicious, although i have tasted better. It's only my opinion though.
We sat and chat a bit, as we laughed at the funny things that happen in class especially during chem lab and stuff. Then we proceed to hint to gaylord how sincere Desby is when he says he is buying a meal, he will. So feeling guilty, Ken said he will buy us all a meal. And i suggested steamboat, but it is only at night, and then lots of problems with transport and all. But this will be discussed in the next post.
Anyway, at 3 something, Desby paid the bill but refused to tell us how much it is. But due to slipperling able to understand hokkien that is spoken at very high speed, i found out that the price is RM XXX (sorry, won't disclose the actual price here). So thanks for the meal desmond!!! Truly a gentleman and a good class rep.
Here are the photos from that day:
Desmond driving in the car. Trying to act cool but nearly killed us. LOL
Desmond making the tea. Good host.
Group photo of all who went. Also free advertisement for the shop.
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