Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Random post

Check out this funny video on youtube. it's from a talk show:

The iceskating photos are up, thanks mei yan:

And a random joke:
There was this man who had a girl friend named Wendy, and he loved her so much that he tattooed her name on his love muscle(down there). Normally, only two words, W and Y would be visible, but when he is doing you-know-what, you would be able to see the name W-E-N-D-Y.

So one day, the man and his girlfriend went to Jamaica for a holiday. The man went to a toilet and saw this huge Jamaican man, doing his business in the toilet. By accident, he saw the man's "thing" also had a W-Y on it. Stunned, the man asked the jamaican dude, "I'm sorry, but i could not help noticing your tattoo. By any chance, do you have a girlfriend named Wendy as well?"
The jamaican man looked at him and said, " No mon, i'm in the tourism board. My tattoo reads: Welcome to Jamaica, mon, have a nice day."

Life is really boring. sorry for the 18+ joke. haha

Monday, December 17, 2007

Taman Negara canceled

In light of the annual floods (which our efficient government can do nothing about) that kill everyone's holiday plans to the east coast, our Taman Negara trip has been canceled.

1. The train service to Jerantut has been terminated till further notice.
2. The road from Jerantut into Kuala Tahan has been closed due to landslide.
3. It may be raining all the way that we can't do any activities, or worse flood.
4. Trees can fall and injure / kill us (it happened in the Belum forest)

So, it's best to cancel the trip altogether. We might plan again after our A2 exams.

Plan B is a Genting trip which we will post up more updates about. Those who are interested to come, please leave a comment. It should be about the same date - first week of January.

Till then, have a good holiday.

Love is in the air... New couple in PM3

Or so they say. There has been an interesting conversation going on in the chatbox that makes it worthy of a post. As we all know, Auntie Chan and joker were holding hands (under the excuse he was teaching her how to skate) during our class outing at Pyramid (read here). So, whether are they together or not still remains a mystery, but we'll let our classmates decide themselves...

li xing: back -side
li xing: omg im so BORedd...help!!!
wp: go skating again la.. haha.. call ken along.. our celebrity.. haha..
poh: wth is you guys problem man...talk about something better lar..and lixing if u r bored ask wen peng date u lar..
xwei: hahaha....new couple in class....
YS: haha, lixing, wp is hinting that you guys go ice skating again...
li xing: lets go 2 d north/south pole
xwei: li xing wants to go with wenpeng..haha
li xing: yea =p
YS: eh, i think xwei is jealous..
poh: lixing and wen peng pak tor ar?
xwei: li xing confessed right...she said yea!
YS: oh man, this is some super chatbox. and with wen peng not saying anything, probably he's agreeing... lol

There you have it. according to gaylord, joker is currently overseas(in China, i think), so we probably won't hear from him till later. we'll see what he says later and see if they are really together.
Btw, i did this post out of boredom. Life is so boring. I wonder if anyone is studying or has started studying?? Maybe pohluk has....

Friday, December 14, 2007

Trip to Overseas Next Year

Ladies and gentlemen of PM3, our class celebrity, Gaylord aka Ken has stated that he will sponsor the whole class to go overseas in a class trip next year. Here's the proof:

Ken: anyone wants atrip to oversea next yr? (10 Dec 07, 16:36)

YS: you sponsor then we go (10 Dec 07, 19:55)

revan: ask ken mai si fatt den we can go lo (10 Dec 07, 21:24)

YS: haha, i doubt anyone would want to be his customer (10 Dec 07, 22:29)

Ken: i no need mai si fatt also can go la...haha (12 Dec 07, 12:16)

TBS: why u all like si fatt so much one?(12 Dec 07, 17:25)

xwei: no lar...only ken likes it..(12 Dec 07, 17:49)

Ken: i where got lik it?reven started first (13 Dec 07, 12:53)

revan: jual punggung alot money la, cos unlike ken, i no money (13 Dec 07, 13:34)

YS: wah ken, so lansi. okay, then you belanja all of us go overseas. (14 Dec 07, 23:29)

There you have it folks. So please decide soon where you want to go so that our celebrity and trip sponsor can make arrangements for air tickets, accomodation and so on. According to his previous post, the trip will be at about july or august next year because he can get cheap airtickets.

Some places he suggest we go:
Macau (can mai si fat here)
Gold Coast
Japan (okay, i suggested this)
Johor Bahru
Kota Bahru

Please decide and give suggestions as soon as possible so Gaylord can plan the trip as well as the budget and schedule for our trip. Thanks.

Thank you KEN!!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Some facts i got from an email......

Proof That The World Is Nuts

In Lebanon , men are legally allowed to have sex with animals, but the animals must be female? Having sexual relations with a male animal is punishable by death. (Like THAT makes sense.)

In Bahrain , a male doctor may legally examine a woman's genitals, but is prohibited from looking directly at them during the examination. He may only see their reflection in a mirror. (Do they look different reversed?)

Muslims are banned from looking at the genitals of a corpse. This also applies to undertakers. The sex organs of the deceased must becovered with a brick or piece of wood at all times.(A brick?)

The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation. (Much worse than 'going blind!')

There are men in Guam whose full-time job is to travel the countryside and deflower young virgins, who pay them for the privilege of having sex for the first time.
Reason: under Guam law, it is expressly forbidden for virgins to marry. (Let's just think for a minute; is there Any job anywhere else in the world that even comes close to this?)

In Hong Kong , a betrayed wife is legally allowed to kill her adulterous husband, but may only do so with her bare hands. The husband's illicit lover, on the other hand, may be killed in anymanner desired.(Ah! Justice

Topless saleswomen are legal in Liverpool , England - but only intropical fish stores.(But of course!)

In Cali , Colombia, a woman may only have sex with her husband,and the first time this happens, her mother must be in the room towitness the act.(Makes one shudder at the thought)

In Santa Cruz , Bolivia , it is illegal for a man to have sex with awoman and her daughter at the same time.(I presume this was a big enough problem that they had to pass this law?)

In Maryland , it is illegal to sell condoms from vending machines withone exception: Prophylactics may be dispensed from a vending machineonly 'in places where alcoholic beverages are sold for consumption onthe premises.(Is this a great country or what? Well, not as great as Guam!)

Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.(Who volunteers for this stuff?)

Humans and dolphins! are the only species that have sex for pleasure.(Is that why Flipper was always smiling?)

The ant can lift 50 times its own weight, can pull 30 times its ownweight and always falls over on its right side when intoxicated. (Did the government pay for this research??)

Butterflies taste with their feet. (Ah, geez.)

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. (I know some people like that.)

Starfish don't have brains. (I know some people like that, too.)

And, the best for last? Turtles can breathe through their butts. (And I thought I had bad Breath in the morning!)

Fun on Ice

On the 7th of december, our class organised a class trip to sunway pyramid for ice skating. It was a fun and enjoyable experience as we learnt how to skate as most of us were noobs. Those who missed it should certainly regret and bang their heads against the walls as they missed a fun and enjoyable class outing.

The fee was 19 bucks per entry, and those who didn't bring or don't have gloves had to pay another 5 bucks extra for a lousy pair of gloves. The skates were hard to put on and painful to wear but once you are on the ice, it doesn't really bother you anymore.

It was fun learning how to skate, however people like slipper ling suffered the most as she fell down too many times. Gaylord paid most for each round he skate, because he was too scared and only skated 3 rounds, and he was clinging to dear life on the walls. You should have seen his face when we surprised him while he was inching his way through. The person who suffered the most due to Gaylord's cowardice was Desby, as being the kind and nice class rep he was, he supported Gaylord walking although he just learnt how to skate and was even scratched by Gaylord as the fellow was too scared and gripped Desby too hard. Xiao po had trouble balancing, but at least she tried walking many rounds with the help of samurai jack, unlike someone who kept holding on to the wall.

On a second note, someone was trying to ambil kesempatan on the girls present, but to protect the safety of the identity of the person and to prevent false accusations, the name of that person shall not be mentioned here. but i think those who went knows who she/he/it is/was. *cough*

Amplifier was making a lot of noise, telling people how to fall (on certain parts of the body where he has extra, err, insulation) and how to skate, but from the number of times he fell, i think his methods aren't correct, or he hasn't been practising what he has preached. Please refrain from spreading false info around or else beginners that you were trying to teach won't learn how to skate properly. Thank you.

But probably the most happiest people who went there was Auntie Chan and joker/batman. joker was teaching her how to skate and was holding her hand the entire time. So romantic..... haha. But worry not ladies and Uncles, they're not together.....yet. Siung president also had a good time checking out girls and i think he suddenly had a big crush on this girl who skated quite well. Just siung it!!! go for her man!!!

Other people who went was old man mark, me , cocoNUT, anime goth and chih sin.

Now, award ceremony.....

Most falls:
1st place: Slipper ling
2nd place: amplifier

Paid most per round and most cost inefficient:
Gaylord (RM 6.33 per round)

Good samaritan award:
Desby (for staying with ken) and Slipper ling(for trying to help a little boy, although she fell down herself)

Least falls:
cocoNUT(0 falls, although he had a few close shaves and didn't really skate very fast)

That's all for now. Hopefully anime goth will upload the photos from that day. And pohluk, you should've joined us. What a waste. Sorry if this post offended anyone and sorry for the typos.

Hope everyone has a happy holiday. Merry christmas and happy new year.

Trip to oversea next year?

Airasia is giving away discounted air tickets to various destinations,such as Macau, Gold Cost (Australia), etc...U may visit the airasia website for more details. Anyone wanna go for a class trip overseas to Macau or Gold Cost or other places next year? The air fare plus airport tax plus other fees to Macau is about RM400+, while the air fare plus airport tax plus other fees to Gold Cost is around RM1000+.
Or u guys may want to go to other places?
The travel period is in July or August next year.
Please give ur suggestions as soon as possible, before 11 Dec 2007. Thanks
The faster we book, the better price and date we get.

These are some of the details from airasia website:
beat the rest to these hot-selling seats!
Booking Period:4 Dec 2007 - 16 Dec 2007
Travel Period:6 May 2008 - 25 Oct 2008
Travel Notes:- advance booking required
depart from/to LCC Terminal, KLIA, Kuala Lumpur
domestic low fares
Kuala Terengganu fromRM0.06
Penang fromRM0.06
Langkawi fromRM0.06
Kota Bharu fromRM0.06
Johor Bahru (Singapore) fromRM0.06
Alor Star (Hat Yai) fromRM0.06
Tawau fromRM6.00
Sandakan fromRM6.00
Labuan fromRM6.00
Kota Kinabalu fromRM6.00
Sibu fromRM6.00
Miri fromRM6.00
Kuching fromRM6.00
Bintulu fromRM6.00
international low fares
Palembang fromRM6.00 / Rp16.000
Padang fromRM6.00 / Rp16.000
Medan fromRM6.00 / Rp16.000
Jakarta fromRM6.00 / Rp16.000
Banda Aceh fromRM6.00 / Rp16.000
Krabi fromRM6.00 / THB66
Phuket fromRM6.00 / THB66
Bangkok fromRM6.00 / THB66
Surabaya fromRM36.00 / Rp106.000
Solo (Yogyakarta) fromRM36.00 / Rp106.000
Bandung fromRM36.00 / Rp106.000
Brunei fromRM36.00 / BND16.00
Clark (Manila) fromRM36.00 / PHP496
Vientiane fromRM36.00 / USD12
Hanoi fromRM36.00 / USD12
Siem Reap (Angkor Wat) fromRM36.00 / USD12
Phnom Penh fromRM36.00 / USD12
Chiang Mai fromRM36.00 / THB386
Bali fromRM66.00 / Rp196.000
Shenzhen fromRM66.00 / CNY156.00
Macau (Guangzhou) fromRM66.00 / MOP166
Gold Coast (Brisbane) fromRM166.00 / AUD166.00

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Waiter and the Spoon

Last night, I went with some friends out to a new restaurant, and noticed that the waiter who took our order carried a spoon in his shirt pocket. It seemed a little strange. When the busboy brought our water and utensils, I noticed he also had a spoon in his shirt pocket. Then I looked around I saw that all the staff had spoons in their pockets.

When the waiter came back to serve our soup I asked, 'Why the spoon?'
'Well,' he explained, 'the restaurant's owners hired a consulting firm to revamp all our processes.
After several months of analysis, they concluded that the spoon was the most frequently dropped utensil. It represents a drop frequency of approximately 3 spoons per table per hour.
If our personnel are better prepared, we can reduce the number of trips back to the kitchen and save 15 man-hours per shift.'

As luck would have it, I dropped my spoon and he was able to replace it with his spare. 'I'll get another spoon next time I go to the kitchen instead of making an extra trip to get it right now.'
I was impressed!

I also noticed that there was a string hanging out of the waiter's fly.
Looking around, I noticed that all the waiters had the same string hanging from their flies.
So before he walked off, I asked the waiter, 'Excuse me, but can you tell me why you have that string right there?'
'Oh, certainly!' Then he lowered his voice. 'Not everyone is so observant...
That consulting firm I mentioned also found out that we can save time in the restroom.
By tying this string to the end of our 'you know what', we can pull it out without touching it and eliminate the need to wash our hands, shortening the time spent in the restroom by 76.39 percent.'

'Hhmmm...After you get it out, how do you put it back?' I asked
'Well,' he whispered,
'I don't know about the others... but I use the spoon.'

Monday, December 3, 2007

Funny jokes

These are some of the jokes that happen in real life.

Today, slipper ling asked me to return a ruler to Moneysucker. So i passed the ruler to old man (puqi) mark (lol). Then i said to him, pass it to "kencing". This kencing i was refering to is the Moneysucker, as anime goth often refers to her as Su Su ( pee in cantonese). Old man however, thought it was KENcing, so he passed the ruler to gaylord. What a misunderstading......

Anyway, next joke...

Gaylord started bragging today that he is teaching at his mom's tuition center in Kepong for 20 bucks per hour. He said he is teaching Malay, for PMR. He was telling us he is very good at Malay, especially in the literature part. However, if the standard of PMR malay does drop next year, we shall know why. HAHA, just kidding. Btw, this is just isn't a joke, just helping Gaylord to promote his tuition center.

P.S. It is not known or confirmed as to how well is Gaylord's level of malay. It is all based on his claim. Put your thinking skills to work people!

On another note, we learnt today that there are three kinds of "damning"

1. Light damning - Sek si lar lei!!!!

2. Critical damning - T** Ny* S**g!!!! Your mother never teach you ar???!!!

3. Heavy damning - **** you!!!! you Bl**dy ***hole!!! what the hell is wrong with you?!?! !@#$%&*

Source: old man and pohluk

Another joke from an email:

This guy went to china and visited this chinese electronics shop. After browsing around, he decided to buy a walkman. when he was paying for his walkman, he asked the man if he could change the walkman if it was spoilt. the shopkeeper quietly pointed to a sign at the wall GUARANTEE NO SPOILT. seeing this, the man went back to his hotel. At the hotel, he tried playing the walkman, but it wouldn't even turn on. so he went back to the shop and demanded for a refund. but the guy pointed to the sign again GUARANTEE NO SPOILT. then he said, "hey man, this is china. we read from right to left."

That's all for today. Look forward to more lame jokes and posts in the future.

New Blog Policy

Our blog will be enforcing a new policy as of today, in order to promote a more liberal and open-minded blog. This is to enable us to post more post that reflect our true feelings and not be so formal. After all, this is a class blog. Some new changes that are allowed in the blog:

1. Please feel free to voice out whatever you feel, think or dislike about anyone, anything, anywhere.
2. Don't take whatever you read on the blog seriously as most of the stuff are written as a whim and on the spur of the moment.
3. Those who feel insulted reading the blog should keep their eyes to themselves and not read the blog.
4. Anyone not related to this class but have itchy fingers and is a busybody, please keep your "smart" comments and thoughts to yourself. We don't appreciate spammers.

This policy is subjected to change from time to time. Thank you. By the way, this is just a filler post as our blog is getting boring.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Taylors in msn messenger

This is the advertisement of Taylors in msn messenger.

And this is what you see when your mouse crosses the advertisement.

I know its kinda lame posting this post, but as a Taylorian, I should contribute to the college by posting their ads in my blog too.

Good try Taylors, posting ads in msn messenger. A perfect place to grab people's attention. Especially with SPM coming to an end soon.

*Here you go mark, a post. Haha...

Friday, November 30, 2007

Taman Negara Trip

Hey guys, as i have told u all, there will be a trip to Taman Negara on 2nd to the 5th of Jan 2008. Thats right! we are celebrating New Year in the jungles together with the wild animals.

The schedule for the whole journey is not yet planned but I will just tell u all a bit about the activities we are going to do there.
  • water rafting
  • see the sunrise
  • waterfall
  • bat cave
  • visit the 'bumbun'
  • canopy walk
  • jungle trekking

Most likely we will be going there by KTM on 8.30pm on the 2nd Jan and reach Jerantut by 4.00am. From Jerantut we will take a bus to Kuala Tahan, which is in Taman Negara. We will sleep in the cabin (2 beds per cabin). There won't be any restaurant in the train, but there is a cafeteria.

The cost (per person):

  • Accomodation (dorm 8 beds per room) - 80
  • Bumbun - 5
  • Entry Permit - 1
  • KTM - 38
  • Bus (Jerantut to Kuala Tahan) - 10 (estimated)
  • Food - (depends on how much u eat)

Total = 134 + food + miscellaneous

The dorm is air conditioned. Long walk is required, and u all better train yourself to walk fast so that we can leave Ken behind (joking). There will be leeches. We will brief u all about some compulsory stuff to bring later. Thats all for now.

Please confirm by next wed (5th Dec).

Monday, November 26, 2007

This is ingenious!

This is a video of the Super Mario Bros Theme Song played by using lightning to create the sound. It's crazy to think how they made it!

Weiyang, want to explain how they made that sound? You've got room to make comments now.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Love, Lies and Stalkers

Due to the lack of posts, we are forced to copy and paste a very interesting conversation in the comment box......

frodo: whats the name of that very beautiful girl with very short hair from pm3?

max: WTF!!!

revan: unfortunately if frodo is referring to you-know-who,it seems that we now have a very interesting definition of beautiful

YS: amazing...... just amazing....

frodo: oh cmon, beauty is objective, ainnit? i just want to know her name

frodo: whoops, subjective, i mean

frodo: and besides, dont be mean to your own classmate lah

revan: well since its being subjective, there shouldn't be any measure of 'mean-ness' in this matter. everyone has their own opinions. nobody wud deliberately have some personal grudge

frodo: perhaps she isnt the conventional girl guys usually expect, but thats what makes her special (to me, at least)

revan: frodo, mind intro urself?

Batman: frodo, mind me asking have you ever left a msg using another name before???

YS: this frodo guy's really interesting... we should all meet up for lunch one day. yeah, batman, i think he has posted using a different name before, unless he's deliberately trying to confuse us

li xing: omg this is getting sappy...yay lunch!

xwei: oh..god..the chat box is the most interesting thing here

frodo: sigh alright, i'll be honest. yes i did use another name before
** must be one of the salty wet people who posted the porn links... Haha, just kidding.**

frodo: her name, please? thank you very much

TBS: I think frodo is flattering him/herself. Anyone agree?

revan: bengsoon mabuk di

TBS: its a little to early to be wasted, but in a few hours maybe...

frodo: her name, please? thank you very very much

max: hey frodo. we give u her name provided we know who are u. otherwise, we wunt cause problems for our classmate even though we arent much close to her
**What a nice guy he is...**

YS: max, don't threaten him like that.... i'm sure he's shy and all
**one of the rare times he defends for someone**

frodo: thanks YS

frodo: i'm a fellow taylor's student and a nice person in real life. i will never cause any trouble, i promise.
**that's true. he used the library computers**

Mark: oh.. i FINALLY realise who the short hair person is...and do i know you frodo? I think I know who you are...

frodo: im still agonising to find out her name...

max: like we aren't waiting for you to reveal yourself.

TBS: come on Mark tell us who u think frodo is.

Mark: nah.. ive asked the person i think is frodo in college today if he is frodo, he said he isnt. but then again, im not entirely sure if its true. anyhow, i doubt u know who he is. hes from jun 06 intake

nut: wow!!!frodo!!gambate!
**nut used to be head cheerleader in his previous school. Why?! boys can't be cheerleaders is it??**

frodo: gosh, thanks, nut

frodo: no, mark, im not him. and please stop speculating who i am. i can assure you guys that im no crazy stalker, just a fella who wants to at least know the name of the girl he likes, thats all. if it isnt convenient to reveal her name here, how about if i give you guys my email and you send it to me? will that be better? thanks

YS: why don't you ask her name yourself?? be brave

?: Go on then, ask. I dare you.
**our main character finally reveals herself..... but her threats might have scared the hobbit frodo away.**

frodo: ? is that you? oh my god...gosh, im very sorry to disrupt your exams. okay, may i know your name, please? thank you very much..

?: No

frodo: i hope to know who your are, that is all i ask for.


frodo: alright then, may i know the name of the girl with very short hair from pm3?

?: No.

frodo: and why not?

?: Shouldn't you ask her that yourself?
**i have no idea what this means**

TBS: This is getting interesting. Very short? Short as in boy short?

frodo: because, for personal reasons, i dont really want her to know who i am
** i wonder what PERSONAL reasons is he talking about**

frodo: if you want to contact me, my email is frodo.baggins1989@gmail.com
**to the kids out there, never simply publish personal info on the web like this guy**

frodo: TBS: you know who im referring to

frodo: by the way, i really hope i didnt distract your exams. im sorry

John: whats wrong with telling her name. its just a name what. her name is donald duck
**who the heck is john?!**

TBS: thats why i asked how short is short.

frodo: ?, i will respect your decision not to reveal your name here. and i will not disrupt your exams again. sorry. (to all) good luck for your exams too.

revan: ok la i tell la...u ppl damn chicken la....

revan: frodo plz refer new post. post will be deleted on 14 nov 21:06
** the post was short. it only stated "the name's _ _ _"**

frodo: revan, i didnt see anything! i just logged in!
**wow, isn't he the smart type?? White fonts, boy, white fonts!!**

TBS: lol! too good, too good!

frodo: oh no, oh no, oh nooooo
**why? she has the same name as your mother is it??**

TBS: shocking?

frodo: TBS, why do you hate me so much?
**TBS also has a crush on her. Haha.**

frodo: God, THANK YOU SO MUCH. im sorry for spamming and disturbing you all, i'll leave promptly. thank you again
**wouldn't it saved you all the trouble if you just asked her yourself??**

TBS: it looks like after so many hours spent pestering pm3, frodo@Gale has gotten his name

YS: his name is gale?
**another clueless guy... sigh...**

?: No one ever thought about the possibility that I might actually read the class blog?

revan: who the **** now is ?

Ken: Who is this ?
**another blur fellow.... read the comment box lar.**

TBS: pm me or sms me n i'll tell you who i think it is.

?: I'm the one who wanted our mathematics teacher to teach A2 instead of AS revision.
**a robot??**

poh: omg...

nut: wow..she read it!

revan: could be an imposter

xwei: ooooo......

YS: this is getting complicated...... shouldn't we be focusing on AS right now?? and i thought she doesn't use a computer at home?

?: There are exceptions to the rule, right? And how do you know I'm at home?

Ken: She can use the pc in college wat...
** don't state the obvious lar ken, we're not stupid...**

YS: i don't think she'll use the computers in the college to read our blog, most probably to read
stuff up on wikipedia.

yiyun: lol.....i find this whole thg darn amusing la

max: Eh. Readin stuff on wikipedia ain't bad u know. Its actually very fun. That is if your definition of fun is the same context as mine.
**no one would have the same definition of fun like you......**

revan: it aint fun, its knowledgable

TBS: wow an instant change of topic.

?: You should see the amount of stuff they have on mathematics there on wikipedia

revan: so?

?: It's nice.

revan: SO?

YS: haha. at least we all agree wikipedia is good
**eh, another time trying to make peace and defend someone... so unusual**

TBS: revan what r u trying to do here la?

revan: nth...bored la
**obviously this guy has finished studying for AS**

Batman: maybe we should copy and paste the whole chatbox as a post in our blog.. haha

That's all for now. Hopefully more interesting post will follow. Or else we will be forced to post the comment box again. i think ours is the only blog sad enough to do this. POST people!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Lack of Updates

What the hell is wrong with you people??? Post something about your life!!! This blog is so dead....even the comment box is more interesting that the blog itself...... Update people!!!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Make A Dream Come True For An Aspiring Authoress

Hey Earthlings,

Visit my blog for details regarding the above mentioned and pass the word around.

Thank You.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Lets's go play basketball somewhere after exams. Make it sort of like a mini outing for our class. Anyone knows where and when to play??

Monday, October 22, 2007

Angkasawan is Back!!

Our angkasawan has completed the 11 day trip to ISS, and touched down safely on earth.

This trip to the ISS is sadly a waste of government's money. In the press, it is said that the training program is sponsored by the Russian government. However, Malaysia had spent up to almost 100 million in this program. What do we get from it? Singapore has also spent 100 million on the airbus A380, and upgrading airport. This may cause a boost in the tourism and business sector, generating income for the government. We may get some glory for sending a Malaysian to space, but then what is there to be proud of? We are using Russian technology to go to space, and the rocket is not even built by Malaysian. The Russian are not afraid that we will emulate their success in sending people to space by learning their technology. Do u know why? Look at our national cars. The car engine is manufactured by Mitsubishi, and we are merely repackaging it. Since the first Proton Saga in 1985 and we haven't build our own engine. I wonder whether we will ever make our own engine. The experiment conducted by the angkasawan is not useful, as the outcome has already been experimented in the past and what we are doing is merely repeating them.

2007 Formula One World Championship

Raikkonen is the World Champ!!!! Woohoo!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Paintball or/and CC

After AS finals, on the 21 Nov 2007, let's go to CC. The whole class should participate in this unhealthy activity which is actually quite healthy provided if you don't get obsessed with it or smoke. We play for only about two hours to prevent brain damage and headache. Let's not worry about how much it cost as Gaylord will pay for us. THANK YOU KEN!!!!

Paintball was also fun the last time we went (the one organised by womaniser). For those who missed it the last time, you guys sure missed out a lot. If there is a lot of people going, we can force the womaniser to organise another one for us so we can start shooting each other and settle grudges in a more satisfying way.

And for those who wish to join the hike to Taman Negara and join President Siung in his wacky adventures, please confirm with them. Get some exercise instead of studying for A2 during the holidays.

That's all for now. Happy studying.

Holiday....Where to?

Class, we planned to go Taman Negara on 2nd to 5th or 6th of Jan 2008. Please confirm with us by 2 days after AS finals (23rd Nov)by filling in the comment. We hope that you can come along except ken.

mark, wen peng, yuen herng, desmond, and sui poh


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Chemistry Paper 31

Chemistry practical paper 31 was today. I'm sure we all agree what a piece of "human waste" it was..... Hopefully cambrigde will do some moderations to help us or else we'll all be dead.

according to pohluk, the rate of reaction is affected by the amount of H+ ions. The total volume of the entire solution has to be kept constant. That means the amount of water you add has to decrease because you add more HCl.

And SO3 is in FA3 while SO4 is in FA6. What the hell.... from what joker/batman told me, you have to test with chromate because the SO3 releases SO or something like that and it changes the chromate from orange to green. Wonderful.

and the last page, the cations are Ba2+, Mn2+, NH4+

and i made a careless mistake when calculating the gradient of the graph. i subtracted the the y and x values instead of dividing them. what the hell.......

Anyway, good luck for maths tomorrow.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Pass Year Papers

Here are the links to some pass year papers.Hope you guys will find it useful especially for those that haven buy it.Try to navigate and see whether can find the paper that you want or not. For anyone of you guys that manage to find extra exercise for thinking skills or ocr pass yr for thinking skills,please let me know.Thanks.

These are the links:



AYA Dream Malaysia Awards 2007

AYA Dream Malaysia Awards 2007

AYA (abbreviates for Asian Youth Ambassador) is a non-profit organisation founded with the primary purpose of "inviting, inspiring, instructing and involving young people to dare to dream and be responsible in fulfilling those dreams for the good of all".

The AYA Dream Malaysia Awards has two categories:
i. Most Outstanding Youth of the Year Award.
ii. Youth Friendly Company of the Year Award.

The Most Outstanding Youth of the Year Award seeks to give recognition and to reward young individuals (aged 18 – 33) who have overcome and may still be overcoming obstacles in their lives to be where they are today.

The Youth Friendly Company of the Year Award seeks to recognise companies that have believed, invested and made the difference in the positive development of youth in Malaysia, giving hope to generations to come.

Check out http://www.ayaawards.com for more information. The website has name the nominees, details on them (there are newspaper articles and video interviews with the nominees on the website), how to vote , and other information.

Do take some time to look into the various nominees and vote for those you think deserves best. It is an award that has a great cause and it motivates the award recipient to persevere further and others to be inspired by their life stories.

AYA Dream Malaysia Awards Night is one month away (4th Nov) and the Invitation Passes are available at RM 50 each now.

Organiser: Asian Youth Ambassador
Official Newspaper: New Straits Times
Official Venue: KL Performing Arts Centre
Official Broadcaster: Astro
Official Photographer: Creative Clicks
Sponsor: Life College

The National Unity and Integration has endorsed and is very keen on this award.

Get involved in this event that is changing the face of Malaysia. Send in your votes today!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Is this argument a good argument?

It is not very difficult to be the top 25% of the society. All you need is hardwork. Let me show you the chain of reasoning.

In this world, there are more idiots than geniuses, say 20% geniuses and 80% idiots. Some genius (70%) think that they are too smart, leading them to be lazy. Even more idiots(80%) think that they are born to be idiots, and they can never think that they will overtake the idiots. When the results is out, the ranking will logically be
  1. genius + hardworking (6%)
  2. idiot + hardworking(16%)
  3. genius + lazy(14%)
  4. idiot + lazy(64%)

So, if you are a hard working person, you will automatically be either 1 or 2, which is 25% of the society.

I have published this before, and some people say it is a piece of shit. If there is anything wrong with my reasoning feel free to criticise.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Good Luck

It has been a long time since I last write my blog.
Thanks for deleting that old blog.Hope this blog will be better.
Just drop by to say Good luck to everyone in ur AS Final exam. All the best!


Thursday, October 11, 2007

yeah man, finally I know how to slash a line. Let me demonstrate...

Aunty Chan is a gangster

I also learn how to space....hahhahahaha....

man, this is so cool. Anyway, nothing much. Just to show off my skills.

Sifat Long

Pohluk has been saying very weird things lately. That day, we were in bio class, this interesting conversation happened...

Pohluk to joker: sek si lar lei!
joker to me: hey, pohluk ask you to sek si.
Me to pohluk: zhou meh lei??
pohluk to me:what lar!! i was talking to joker lar....
joker to pohluk: haha. got see goku deflect kamehameha before or not???
Pohluk: deflect your sifat long lar!!!!

How to deflect sifat long???. what kind of nonsense is that? btw the way, sifat long means the hole in your rear end. sometimes, pohluk just doesn't make sense.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

To Gaylord

Hello gaylord, whoever you are, today i'm going to let you off for insulting me, because i'm in a pleasant mood. But if this were to happen again, be prepared to read an unpleasant post.
Hopefully you will change for the better. I wonder why they call you GAYlord though.

Have a nice day.


Exams is finally here. And of course, all the kiasu ppl ponteng class, such as:

anime goth
jpa rejector.

Those who come to class are even more kiasu, like:
Mr P,
samurai jack,
ah boon,
old man,
xiao po,
chih sin,
miss kok kok kai,
[Y]ong [S]ui(by Gaylord),
King of TNS( formerly known as tbs)
Miss MNG,
Auntie Chan,
siung pres,

All the name listed are just pen names. Those who are unhappy with their names, ie [Y]ong [S]ui, feel free to seek revenge.



Thanks for supporting pohpoh1990.blogspot.com.

After moving to this new site, I hope that all of us can forget the past and focus about the present. This is a new beginning, a start of something new. I am sorry if anyone is hurt by the awful posts in the previous blog. But no worries, there will be more.... haha....

