Monday, December 3, 2007

New Blog Policy

Our blog will be enforcing a new policy as of today, in order to promote a more liberal and open-minded blog. This is to enable us to post more post that reflect our true feelings and not be so formal. After all, this is a class blog. Some new changes that are allowed in the blog:

1. Please feel free to voice out whatever you feel, think or dislike about anyone, anything, anywhere.
2. Don't take whatever you read on the blog seriously as most of the stuff are written as a whim and on the spur of the moment.
3. Those who feel insulted reading the blog should keep their eyes to themselves and not read the blog.
4. Anyone not related to this class but have itchy fingers and is a busybody, please keep your "smart" comments and thoughts to yourself. We don't appreciate spammers.

This policy is subjected to change from time to time. Thank you. By the way, this is just a filler post as our blog is getting boring.

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