Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Little Update

It seems that joker and auntie are progressing very well in their relationship, and it seems to me that they're serious about each other. So, as friends, we should give them their personal space and privacy. This means that we should let them sit together in class and not be lamp post. We should let them spend more time together and let them have lunch together. *cough cough*

We should also not smile or look at them when they are happily chatting in class, or we'll be like the paparazzi.

Anyway, i think our maths teacher was a little bit overboard today. She told us to find and photocopy an exercise for tomorrow's class and if we don't have it, we don't have to come for class and she'll skip the topic and move on to the next topic. I mean, for us to find the book and photocopy the exercise in such a short notice is not possible. If the book was abundantly available in the library and she told us a few days ago, i would say she's reasonable and right to a certain degree in doing so, but she only told us today and expects us to miraculously get the exercise by tomorrow. And she's doing this because cocoNUT was talking a lot and the class was noisy and she wants to punish us. I hope that cocoNUT does get the book for us, or else we'll just have to complain to the office and things will get sour from there.

Before i end this post, here's a sweet photo of joker giving auntie a lollypop. However, the lollypop reminded auntie about her ex-crush, Spaces. So joker will now have to think of another gift to give her next time. Btw, they stayed back in school today till 4 with each other. I wonder if something will happen??
Joker giving Auntie the lollypop.
You guys gotta admit i'm damn cool for getting this photo. They didn't pose for it you know.
That's all for now. Someone else please update the blog?? I can't do it all the time you know.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Operation: Joker and Auntie

As we all know, joker and auntie chan spent a rather special day ice skating, where they held each others hands the whole time as joker taught auntie how to skate. Apparently, something special did happen that day, resulting in a interesting chat box post. Now, on the outing last friday, more juicy stuff happened between them.

Firstly, when President Siung, Joker, auntie chan and me reached pyramid, we had to look for the others. As the girls were at Diva, an isolated shop hidden in some corner of sunway pyramid, we had to look for it so we can all meet up. As the Pres and I looked for the shop, the joker and auntie mysteriously disappeared. Maybe they went to sneak a moment together, or they simply got lost, but i got a phone call a few mins later from the joker to tell them where to meet up. They also spent a lot of time talking to each other, but it's normal as they are only classmates.

THEN, on monday, the 28/1, during the last maths period, Pohluk and I set it up so that Joker and auntie chan sat together alone. surprisingly, auntie didn't run away to sit someplace else, but remained seated beside joker. They chatted loudly and was laughing happily during the period as the teacher let us do our worksheet on vectors. Weren't they having a time of their lives!! Even our maths teacher noticed and was smiling.

Sadly for both of them, an hour passes very fast. 欢乐时间过得特别快, and they both had to part ways. However, tomorrow is another day. This brings me to my title of this post, which is operation Joker and Auntie.

The objectives of this operation is simple. All we have to do is to ensure that both joker and auntie sit together in class each period. Even if they are just friends, nothing wrong with them sitting together, right? Plus, it provides some degree of entertainment to our boring class.

Also, Auntie Chan said that Joker has a chance, although it seems that he has to make the first move. Hehe, good luck!!

So let us all work together to bring two happy individuals together. LOL.

Here are some photos of them together:

Joker trying hard to impress the normally expressionless Auntie

Joker looking surprised as we caught him chatting with Auntie

Chatting happily during maths period. Easily the happiest day of their college life.

How come they're sitting so far apart?

Pretending to do work as they knew people were watching. Hehe
PS Joker and Auntie please don't be angry. We're only joking. To others, they're both still single.................for now.

Class Outing

On friday after the event which showcased how united PM3 can be, ten of us went to pyramid for a class outing, which was supposed to be a movie outing. However due to time constraints, we were unable to watch a movie.

We then decided to go bowling, however the alley was closed because our national team or something were using the entire place for practise. So we went to try the arcade, but nothing nice caught our eye, so we went to try archery, but it was 20 bucks or somthing like that for 30 arrows. It was too expensive and Gaylord didn't want to sponsor us, so we all just decided to go to a restaurant and sit down and talk.
Seeing it was near the Chinese New Year, we all went to "Lou Sang" at Esquire Kitchen. The manager there, seeing desmond's kind looking face and was afraid gaylord would stay for long periods of time, decided to gave us a coupon that gave 50% discount for the "yee sang". This means that the 38 bucks (without tax) yee sang now only cost 19 bucks. They even gave us free plain water.

We chatted for a bit before deciding it was time to leave. However, gaylord, suddenly feeling generous, decided to buy J-co doughnuts. WOW!! This is rare indeed. After munching down on our doughnuts, we all went back home.

But wait, there's more!! The main stars of this outing wasn't Gaylord, but Joker wp and auntie Chan. There's lots of juicy stuff that happened between them on that day, as well as in class on monday(28/1), but that all will be covered in the next post.
Here are some photos from that day:

The Yee sang that we got for half price. The Salmon slices were tiny...

The yee sang after we were done with it. Messy but fun.

Yuen Herng, Desmond and PM3 Celebrity Gaylord enjoying the yee sang.

Enjoying the doughnuts Ken bought. 1 dozen!!

Yuen Herng getting excited and spilling some doughnut filling on his pants.

Three remaining doughnuts for 3 people who were supposed to come: Mark, Mei yan and Sui Poh
On another note, Desmond has agreed to buy us famous Klang Bak Kut Teh on a friday after Chinese New Year. We'll be taking the KTM to Klang. Once the date and time is confirmed, we'll announce the details on the blog.
That's all for now. The next post is about Wen Peng and Li Xing.

United We Stand, PM3 (Part 2)

Following the previous post made by pohluk, i shall relate to all what happened after school on friday the 25th. However, samurai jack should refrain from reading this post, so she won't feel hurt.
Now, after class ended, almost the entire class walked towards McDonald's to see the negotiations between samurai jack and the driver and the wife. King of TNS(Ah beng) and fei ko was the two people who went there first. By the time the rest of the class reached there, the discussion was almost over. Jaclyn had to pay the lady RM250 with her own money.

After the discussion, we all ask ah beng how the negotiations went. This is where ah beng made the mistake of accepting the lady's reason that she wants to repair and repaint the bumper at the official Toyota distributor. Firstly, she didn't produce a receipt or any statement from the workshop, so she can claim as much money as she feels fit. Secondly, the car she has isn't exactly brand new or anything, so why must you go all the way to get a new bumper and repaint it at the Toyota workshop? You can always get it done at any other workshop. Thirdly, Samurai Jack is only a student, how can you charge her so much? I mean, the lady was the one who stupidly parked her car illegally, obstructing the road, so she gets hit and now wants to claim money? She should be grateful that her car only got dented and she suffered no injuries.

Another suspicious thing is that, she never really showed us the condition of the car on that day. She only said that the car was parked far away. If the car was really damaged, then why didn't she show us the car??Futhermore, they seemed to have took off really quickly after collecting the money. And we couldn't find any trace of them after that. And the lady seemed to know where the SAM block in taylors is. I mean, how many strangers actually do? Suspicious, no? But let's not jump to conclusions here and simply accuse people. Maybe they're just innocent people who doesn't want to admit double parking is illegal and love to buy new parts for their car. After all, the man, who was quite kind according to samurai jack, didn't seem to want to claim the money and was looking very eager to leave. He seemed like he didn't want to persue anything more and wanted to let the matter drop. But i guess his wife didn't let him. He didn't even say anything during the discussion.

So let this be a lesson to us all, be careful when driving a car. And if you very unfortunately get into an accident, remember to exchange IC numbers, drivers license no, car number plate and phone numbers. Don't just simply pay them the money. Bring the car to a workshop and let the mechanic calculate the cost of repair and pay the mechanic directly.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

United We Stand, PM3 ( Part 1)

On Friday, Jaclyn was asked to pay 350 bucks for an accident. (she only dented the fella's bumper). It wasn even Jaclyn's fault. The other driver parked illegally beside Jaclyn's car and she knocked into the car while coming out from the parking lot.

The fella asked her to wait at the entrance at 12 noon. After telling the class about the incident, the whole class decided to go da gao (fight). More than 10 of us went at noon. And guess what? The fella ffk. Maybe he/she was too afraid when he/she saw the gang. Maybe he/she was fooled by beng soon's dai kor appearence. Some of us were too scared to go to the frontline, and stayed back as the backup, or coward (synonym). Jaclyn tried to call him/her, but she didn pick up her phone.

Later the fella called Jaclyn again. He/she asked her to go to Mcdonalds as he/she was waiting there. Ms Durga asked her not to go. U should have seen how worried Jaclyn was. Although she laughed at our jokes, she is soooooo nervous.

Anyway, Jaclyn told her that she was having class, but the fella say he/she will wait for her. I went back immediately after school. So, i have no idea what happen next. Did PM3 fought with the fella? Did Jaclyn pay the 350 bucks?

The story continues in the next post.

PS: Yan Sheng or Wen Peng pls continue this story.


Tuesday will be our vector test. Let me just tell u guys something teacher didn say.

  • A plane is a plane is a two-dimensional manifold or surface that is perfectly flat. Informally, it can be thought of as an infinitely vast and infinitesimally thin sheet oriented in some space. (wikipedia) This means that a place has no borders and it is 2D.

  • Now I know why a(dot)n(unit vetor) = perpendicular distance from the origin. If anyone wants to know, u can always approach me in class.

These are a few facts that u might find useful.

Update people.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Wen Peng ask me this question today on the Rapid KL bus. If u guys know the answer pls tell me in class.

Imagine u are in a bus, and the bus is moving at constant speed.
What will you see if :

  1. You flip a coin while the bus is moving?
  2. You flip a coin, and while the coin is in mid air, the bus stops suddenly?
  3. You flip a coin, and while the coin is in mid air, the bus accelerates forward?

The options are:

(A.) The coin will move backwards.

(B.) The coin will move down in a straight line.

Imagine u are outside of a transparent bus, but u can see everything in the bus clearly.

What will u see if:

  1. A person in a bus flip a coin in the bus?
  2. A person flip a coin and while the coin is in mid air, the bus stops suddenly?
  3. A person flip a coin and while the coin is in mid air, the bus accelerates forward?

There are only 2 options :

(A.) u will see the coin moving in a parabolic curve.

(B.) u will see the coin going up and down in a straight line.

Either leave your answer and reasoning in the comment box or tell me when u see me. Enjoy.

Monday, January 14, 2008

New Year, New Look, New face, New Year Resolution, New Gay Partner?

Yeah. Sorry this took a while. In this 1 month of holidays, there are some of us who undergone some transformation.

First on the list would be LiXing. She actually shocked the class with her brown/red/purple hair ( I am not sure about the colour). But still eats so slow and still behaves like gangster. Meiyan also got 'animated' after her visit from Japan. Hair - yellow (lala). Shuling straighten her hair.

Also, here I want to thank Beng Soon for the elephant and the voodoo dolls he bought for all of us from Cambodia. I think everyone who got the voodoo dolls will know wat to do with it. Use it on Ken.

Everyone is still in the holiday mood, especially yuen herng. Besides turning a little darker he hasnt changed one bit. That fella is still playful, gila-gila and funny. Ken is also still gay, although not as bad as last year. Perhaps he got a new gay partner.

Anyway, this is just a random post. I ll leave the comments about myself to other ppl, because it is difficult to judge yourself.

Another thing I would like to comment about is the declining quality of services of the Rapid KL buses. As the Wawasan 2020 approach, the Malaysian government has not yet made any ammendments to the transportation system. The bus gets later and later everyday, and it is not punctual at all. The only thing they managed to do is to put a miniscule TV showing the worlds funniest commercial and some lame cartoon which repeats every few minutes. It was quite entertaining at first, but soon turn into irritation.

Hey, can one sue the Rapid KL company if he is late for classes? And use chain reaction as a stand : The bus is not punctual, causing him to miss his class, which cause him to fail his exam, which cause him to fail to get into uni, which cause him to be unemployed. Therefore the company should pay for the losses.

Keep the blog alive. haha.

Monday, January 7, 2008

A reply from wp

Dear earthlings,

To ppl in the chatbox:
1. The reason I didnt reply is because I wasnt in Malaysia. (Eh Ken, dont try to act smart, later ppl think there is something between us).
2. There wasnt any rain in Genting. Hahaha...

And regarding paintball, when is it???