Sunday, January 27, 2008

United We Stand, PM3 ( Part 1)

On Friday, Jaclyn was asked to pay 350 bucks for an accident. (she only dented the fella's bumper). It wasn even Jaclyn's fault. The other driver parked illegally beside Jaclyn's car and she knocked into the car while coming out from the parking lot.

The fella asked her to wait at the entrance at 12 noon. After telling the class about the incident, the whole class decided to go da gao (fight). More than 10 of us went at noon. And guess what? The fella ffk. Maybe he/she was too afraid when he/she saw the gang. Maybe he/she was fooled by beng soon's dai kor appearence. Some of us were too scared to go to the frontline, and stayed back as the backup, or coward (synonym). Jaclyn tried to call him/her, but she didn pick up her phone.

Later the fella called Jaclyn again. He/she asked her to go to Mcdonalds as he/she was waiting there. Ms Durga asked her not to go. U should have seen how worried Jaclyn was. Although she laughed at our jokes, she is soooooo nervous.

Anyway, Jaclyn told her that she was having class, but the fella say he/she will wait for her. I went back immediately after school. So, i have no idea what happen next. Did PM3 fought with the fella? Did Jaclyn pay the 350 bucks?

The story continues in the next post.

PS: Yan Sheng or Wen Peng pls continue this story.

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