Friday, September 5, 2008

Poh post

Hey, since there is nothing to post, I shall write a bit on the recent Cambridge Fresher Dinner that I have attended. There are 2 gatherings actually, one on the 2nd another on the 3rd of September.

The gathering on the 2nd Sept is held in Sunway Pyramid, where we went for bowling and then dinner in Friday's. And I am really proud to say that my bowling skills have improved quite significantly. I also realised that I can bowl better with a lighter ball. I met many people, including some from Taylors and HELP. All the seniors are really friendly and no, they do not look nerdy at all. In fact, they are a bunch of cool helpful dudes. Some are even dota addict. For your information, we did not talk about how mycobacterium tuberculosis invades our alveoli, or what are the 6 mechanisms in which the ion channel opens. Our topic of discussion are merely about the university life in Cambridge, how people got caught downloading from P2P network, where to shop for groceries and which handphone line is the best. The president of the CUMAS society (Cambridge Malaysian Society) is Lim Wei Yang, however he is a very cool dude, and quite leng chai also.

The dinner on 3rd Sept was more formal. It was held in the Shangrila Hotel, KL. We had buffet dinner and the food was really good. The best part was that the dinner is sponsored / free of charge, thanks to the sponsors,
co-sponsored by Pricewaterhouse coopers and Sivananthan Advocates and Solicitors. It was a really cool events attended by around 40 people. Despite the good food, only 90% of the food were left because everyone was busy mingling. What a waste... haihz.... Some people there are very impressive. I met 2 postgrads, one of them doing PHD in Mathematics, another one going for MBPHD in oncology. (MBPHD is like after graduate as MBBS/doctor, you further your study in a field for PHD.) The fella doing MBPHD course is 9 years!!! (6 for MBBS, 3 for PHD) There was one British 3rd year medical student who attended the dinner. It was her first time visit to Malaysia.

Fast facts/rumours that I have heard so far from seniors about Cambridge :
  1. We do not throw a library party during free times. There are some recreational activities such as punting/rowing, badminton, football, pub, basketball.
  2. It is a tradition that of a person throw a penny into your glass of wine, you have to finish the glass of wine.(to save the queen from drowning)
  3. Someone said that one guy got banned from the college for throwing a penny into Stephen Hawking's drink. (I am not sure how true is that)
  4. Emma Watson is going to Homerton college (one of the furthest college from the center of Cambridge).
  5. 2 hrs bus ride from London, or 45 minits train.
  6. Singaporeans are very kiasu over there. They study ALL the time.
  7. Every college has its own robe design. We have to wear a robe to a matriculation ceromony on the first or second week.
  8. Cantabrigian are not as nerdy as u guys think.
Sorry for not having pictures because I did not bring camera.

That sums up most of stuff. Feel free to come over for a visit anytime. I will post more about Cambridge when I get there.


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