Monday, February 23, 2009

The Brisbane far!

Hey pm3's!! how ya'll doing! as you know, i''ve just got to Brisbane about 3 days ago. Things have been great-ouch so far....i'll tell you more about it! but so far its been an incredible experience!

so i arrived in Brisbane about 12.00 am on Saturday, went to stay at my aunts place for the night. Then at 10.30, i went to check-in at my residential college. The seniors were friendly people always offering help. My dorm name was Douglas and my wing leader (the dorm leader), Waley, who is this super skinny tall and wacky dude but nice altogether, briefed me, and my other dorm mates about life at Emmanuel College. And my dorm so rocks because it has only 10 guys and 10 girls and 4 its like 5:1 ratio whereas other wings have about 50 peeps and 4 toilets only!

Anyways i found out that there are about 100 aussie freshmen, 50++ americans and a handful of asians! they're all friendly people, but its hard to mix with the kuai lohs cuz we're of different wavelenghts??i guess. Oh and every freshman has to wear this green robin hood hat everywhere we go for the first week of orientation. lol! it looks freakin lame outside but when ur with fellow freshman, it doesn't look too bad! and each of us has a nickname given by the seniors. mine's blogspot! i have no freakin idea why....

That night, we had this event called bush dancing. my dorm mates thought that we should get high before participating in that event because bush dancing was like o.0
So we bought vodka and drank half the bottle before joining the bush dancing. It was damn fun la! got to meet lots of ppl in that event.

After that event, most of the seniors went to hit the bars, most of us 'freshers' stayed behind to play this game called matt-ball..which was like rugby plus handball. Rule of the game was to get the ball from your side to ur opponents mattress on their side and in between..anything goes! The game got really physical!! even the girls participated in it! I played a bit and sat on the sides with other aussies drinking rum n coke! lol!

When matt-ball finished, we headed to another dorm called Mickelson to chill with other people...and played some drinking games. Since we didn't have any drinks left, the punishment was to do push ups!

So i slept about 2 am..only to be woken up about 6 am thanks to the seniors. Us freshers were woken up, dragged out of bed in our PJ's to the field to do morning exercises with the company of some cool vibey music. Then we had to run around the cricket field...pausing only to do cartwheels and rolling about on the grass as ordered by the seniors. oh did i mention, the seniors had blue war paint on their bodies!

The rest of the day passed thanks to some boring lectures on safety and health. The only interesting talk was about....SEX! lol! it was damn funny! At night, we went to a bar called pig and whistle. however, i wasn't allowed to drink because i had no proof that i was above 18 cuz they didn't know how to read Malaysian driving license and IC and i didn't bring my passport. so i was allowed to the under -18 corner where i just played pool and chatted with other people! lol! still was fun!

The next morning, we were again woken up at 6.00 to do the same crap! haha! alrights, that's all for now, cuz I need to go for some freshers game! pics will be up soon! Cyaaz!

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