Tuesday, June 16, 2009

PM3 Outing

Hey guys. A bunch of us met up in Taylors to visit the teachers. Unfortunately, we forgot that the teachers were having holidays now. Most of them went home early. We only got to meet Mr Chan Wai Tuck. We talked with him for abit. He asked how everyone was doing and where everyone was. Oh and before that, we had lunch in Asia Cafe. ( f.y.i spicy noodles no longer available in Asia cafe. lol. sorry guys.) After that we went to pyramid and watch Angels and Demons.

Xiao wei baked a cake for meeee because it was my birthday(the next day, which is today) so sweet! Thanx Xiao wei! you're the best! =D
Here are some pics.

 My spongebob birthday cake baked by Xiao Wei! =D yummyyy!

                                                                         At Asia Cafe. 
Another group pic. (yes that is YS with long hair! lol)

Eating dinner at BBQ plaza at pyramid.(i think thats the name.lol)
I just remember the cartoon dragon mascot.
Hot plate thingy

Hope u guys like the pics. it took forever to load. and i dont know why the words are underlined. lol. anyways see you guys soon! Take care guys. =)

p.s someone else update the blog. "Some"ppl that used to update ALL the time, that shall remain unnamed  havent updated it in ages. =p

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