Monday, December 3, 2007

Funny jokes

These are some of the jokes that happen in real life.

Today, slipper ling asked me to return a ruler to Moneysucker. So i passed the ruler to old man (puqi) mark (lol). Then i said to him, pass it to "kencing". This kencing i was refering to is the Moneysucker, as anime goth often refers to her as Su Su ( pee in cantonese). Old man however, thought it was KENcing, so he passed the ruler to gaylord. What a misunderstading......

Anyway, next joke...

Gaylord started bragging today that he is teaching at his mom's tuition center in Kepong for 20 bucks per hour. He said he is teaching Malay, for PMR. He was telling us he is very good at Malay, especially in the literature part. However, if the standard of PMR malay does drop next year, we shall know why. HAHA, just kidding. Btw, this is just isn't a joke, just helping Gaylord to promote his tuition center.

P.S. It is not known or confirmed as to how well is Gaylord's level of malay. It is all based on his claim. Put your thinking skills to work people!

On another note, we learnt today that there are three kinds of "damning"

1. Light damning - Sek si lar lei!!!!

2. Critical damning - T** Ny* S**g!!!! Your mother never teach you ar???!!!

3. Heavy damning - **** you!!!! you Bl**dy ***hole!!! what the hell is wrong with you?!?! !@#$%&*

Source: old man and pohluk

Another joke from an email:

This guy went to china and visited this chinese electronics shop. After browsing around, he decided to buy a walkman. when he was paying for his walkman, he asked the man if he could change the walkman if it was spoilt. the shopkeeper quietly pointed to a sign at the wall GUARANTEE NO SPOILT. seeing this, the man went back to his hotel. At the hotel, he tried playing the walkman, but it wouldn't even turn on. so he went back to the shop and demanded for a refund. but the guy pointed to the sign again GUARANTEE NO SPOILT. then he said, "hey man, this is china. we read from right to left."

That's all for today. Look forward to more lame jokes and posts in the future.


May said...

I've never actually heard Ken speak a word of Malay... hmm.

May said...

this is mei yan, btw.