Saturday, March 1, 2008

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, after so long, Joker is back. Haha.
Firstly, I would like to thank our class rep for the lunch today.

29 of February is the date today,
a kinda cool day i would say;
even the rain comes later this day,
our class trip was perfected by this wonderful day.

our lovely class rep bought us bak kut teh,
and next week will be from the lord of gay;
'steamboat in Kepong i will pay' he said,
everyone heard yay-ed.

Like I mentioned in the poem, we gained a lot today. Besides free lunch, we had a so called a class trip again. Last week was yakult, this week Klang. A break from the college-home-sleep-college routine. Trials is coming soon, don't know when we will have the chance for another class trip. Luckily, like i said in the poem (again), someone volunteered suggested steamboat this coming Friday. So, there is still a chance to chill out before trials. Haha.

Regarding the photos from today's event, I believe it will be updated into the blog soon. Enjoy!!

Ps. changes for the second last paragraph. (as the someone said he did not volunteered)

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