Friday, February 29, 2008

A comment about Election

As election is approaching in certain country, people and parties are campaigning. And is it really necessary to do so? Will it really help them to get more votes? Will mere posters along the street change people's mind? If it does, I am speechless; but if it doesn't, then why waste the money? Some of them even bragged spending billions on campaigning. And what did they do using the billions? Printing posters, setting up tents, and temporary offices which I don't really know the purpose of it. And to make life comfortable for the humans in the temporary offices, they equipped it with air-con. Is it worth it? Why not use the money to do something useful? We are speaking of billions. Billions!! It is a thousand of a million. If giving scholarship to a medical student is approximately a million, almost all the PM classes student can study medicine for free!!

To make matters worst, they have no sense of creativity AT ALL. They just paste the faces everywhere, as they like, without thinking how it would destroy the view of the place. Some of them even blocked the view of the road users. Making the road a more dangerous place.

Should election bring such a side affect to the society? Does it justify the cost of it? I wonder....

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