Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Yakult Factory Visit

On the 22nd of February, our biology teacher, Ms Durga organized a trip to Yakult.
Although it would seem to Taylor's College that this is an educational trip to learn about bacteria culture, the truth is that we all just wanted an excuse to skip class (I hope none of the teachers or big shots from college read this).

Anyway, we had to attend our first two class on that day, which was maths and physics. Then, we went to get breakfast since it was our break time and we had to wait for the bus which leaves at 10.30 am. Most of us bought Mcdonald's since it was the most logical thing to eat. Some people from PM11 and PM i forgot what also joined us for the trip since there was empty spaces in the bus.

Then, we all boarded the bus and enjoyed our one hour ride to Seremban, where the only Yakult factory in Malaysia is located. Sounds so cool. During the ride, some of our classmates gambled behind the bus, all with the intention of wanting to win money from Gaylord. Some of the more err, not so gambling minded people of our class stayed at the front of the bus to play tortoise(a card game) and UNO.

At Yakult, we were greeted by some perverted guards who kept staring at us (yes, boys too). The guide, Ms/Mrs/Mdm (she didn't say) Chew ( i think) introduced herself and briefed us about the schedule for the day.

Then, we all went to the toilet secara beramai-ramai before heading to the hall where the guide would give us a talk about Yakult and probiotics. Ms Chew (i'll assume she's still single) talked to us about Yakult and it's history and what is Lactobacillus casei Shirota. They also pulled some marketing techniques on us by saying they have most bacteria in a bottle in the market and such. They also promoted probiotics and the benefits of having a good healthy intestine. Furthermore, they tried to make us practise Shirotaism, which is healthy intestine leads to good life, cheaper health food and prevention is better than cure. (I think.) They also gave us one, ONE bottle of Yakult each, which was fresh from the factory.

Then the worse part came. They showed us a video about probiotics, but then from time to time in the show, two retarded looking Japanese girls will talk among themselves and tried to act cute. Sorry for being mean, but it was scary. Not the spooky kind of way, but the same feeling you get when you're a guy and Gaylord flashes you with his gay smile. UGH, nightmares. Anyway, after the show, we got to see production line with all the fancy machine. Works of engineering. Very cool IMHO.

Then, before leaving, we all bought some Yakult home for our family members and friends so they, too will have healthy intestines and enjoy good health. On our way back, we bought famous Seremban Siew Pao, which has a signboard you can see from the north-south expressway.

On the journey home, people in the bus became more crazy as the PM something class was playing truth or dare. Gaylord was victim, or maybe a beneficiary when one of the girls was dared to go hug him. The noise level was extreme as people were screaming while playing card games and gambling. It was quite a good way to release stress.

Our guide, Ms Chew standing behind the world map of Yakult domination.
Many other products that Yakult manufactures, like noodles,
cosmetics and a variety of probiotic drinks.
This is the seed tank.
This is the culture tank, where the bacteria grows.
Storage tank, where flavours and syrup are added before being bottled.
The Injection Blow Moulding Machine, where Yakult bottles are made.
The testing lab where they test their products.

More of the testing lab.
Labeller Machine, where they label the Yakult bottles. DUH!

Filling Machine

Was trying to get a picture of this worker who Samurai Jack said was
stealing Yakult bottles. But actually, he was only taking random samples
to be sent to the lab for testing. OOPS.

Straw attaching Machine. All this just for a straw.

Packaging Machine. Makes them into five packs you buy from supermarkets.

This machine bundles the five packs into large bundles for shipping.

The big Siew Pow signboard you can see from the highway.

A photo of the interior of the bus on they journey home. Note, this is when everyone was still normal. But you can see some starting so show signs of stress relief.

Gaylord getting hugged during the dare.

All in all, it was a fun trip. Good reason to skip class too. Haha. Anyway, we should organise a class trip after A2 to someplace many of us will and can go.

PS. I apologize if i offended anyone or any organisation due to the stuff written in this post. This was written as a joke and for humour.

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