Saturday, May 3, 2008

Nut's Australia Trip

rite, so i'm bored now, can't study, still adjusting to the really hot n humid weather of KL (Ozzie was 14 C tops!!) and i guess i'll just blog about my 1 week adventure in Australia.

Thursday, 24th April,
Departed from KLIA at about 9.00 pm. I felt very guilty of the though of enjoying life in Aussie while im supposed to be studying so i decided to read some physics! But i guess it was really boring so i think i dozed off. budden, i could not really sleep properly due to the crampness and some baby wailing non-stop throughout the whole flight. Damn annoying la! Oh, but the airline's food was not bad, some chicken and potatoes, they even served Magnum for desert! :o

Friday, 25th April
Didn't really do much that day. Mum and I arrived about 7.00 am in the morn(aussie time). My cuzin fetched us from the airport, bought us breakfast( hash brown, eggs benedict, sausage, hot chocolate...yum!!!:P) Due to lack of sleep, i slept the whole day only to wake up and study at night.

Saturday,26st April
Went shopping with cuzins and aunt and mum. i didn't buy anything ( was abit kiam siap), so i spent 3 hours of walking for nothing!! But i gotta tell you, Aussie stuff have more variety and their clothing lines have better style! After lunch at a jap restraunt, courtesy of my cuzin's fiancee( a set meal of tempura, sushi, sashimi, beef teriyaki, cawamushi, fried rice and sum fish thing and ice cream :O), i met up with sum of my ex-cempakan frens to bum around and have dinenr with them at Wing Loon, sum hong kong restraunt. We tried to enter a bar to watch the Man Utd vs Chelsea match but was kicked out cuz my fren was wearing shorts :S. Then my cuzin called and asked me to DOTA with her bf and his brother, so thats what i did, but i got OWNED!! :( oh, yea, that nite, i also had food poisoning, and i blame it on the food from Wing Loon!!

Sunday, 27th April,
Went to church in the morning. Then my aunt introduced me to the priest. He did sum really weird thing to me. He pulled my shirt( i thought he was looking for my cross to prove to him im a christian or something) and he looked down my shirt and said, " Oh, you also don't have chest hair, like me!" Awkwardness man!!! Anyways, i met with all my cuzins for lunch(5 of them) and proceeded to shop for Transformer toys(heard it was cheaper there but turns out it was the same price). Visited my cuzin's place in Parkville. Quite funny actually, my aunt and mum were commenting on their style of living and nosing around the apartment. 'tried' to study at night.

Monday, 28th April,
Went to visit my relative in the suburbs in the afternoon. At night, i met up with some of my ex-cempakan frens to watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall which starred Kirsten Bell ( gawd she's hot!!) and Jason Segel. Its funny shyts I tell you, and a must watch, but I don't think that it'll be out in M'sia cuz they wud have to cut out half the movie due to censorship. After the movie, my frens wanted to take me on a joyride to Brighton, a beach at about 12 am, but due to my meeting wit the uni reps, declined heavy heartedly.

Tuesday, 29th April,
Met with the Uni rep, but failed to get a conditional offer! :(. However she did say that with my IELTS result and 4A's getting in shouldn't really be a problem. Weeeee!! The rep also brought me around the Dental faculty, it was really modern! After the meeting, i followed my mum and aunt shopping in Victoria Market and toured the Uni campus. Then i went back home to study cause I felt pressured. haha!

Wednesday, 30th April
Went to Glen Waverly, somewhere in the suburbs to visit my aunt. At night, went out with cempakans to eat in Lygon and tried the famous Roche gellato. its AWESOME!!! so good!!haha! As we were eating the ice cream, some drunk New Zealand dude came up to us and chatted with us( there were lots of obscene jokes involved!!) Went back to my frens place to play ping pong in College Square( cause i was bragging to them on how I played a lot in the ECA and have improved alot!!)

Thursday, 1st May
Followed my mum and aunt shopping for shoes in the morning. 'tried' to study in the afternoon. At night, i went karaoke with my cempakan frens as well as some Malaysians from Melb Uni. Had a really great time, drinking and singing( i can't really drink so i had beer). This lasted all the way till 3 am! (btw, i met this Taiwanese show hostess. She's quite pretty wan and she is apparently a celebrity back home and she's 1 year older than us!! :O) Then we went to the 'Australian Mamak' for a bite. its a mamak only because it opens 24 hrs and not cause it was cheap( nasi lemak was $7 and it sucked bad!!-_-") Then we went back to my fren's apartment to play PS2(i owned all of them in Naruto!!)

Friday, 2nd May
Slept till 9.00-ish due to the night before. Went back to my apartment to pack and get some rest. Took the 3.00 flight which was delayed till 4.00 pm. 'tried' to study but fell asleep. woke up to find that National Tressure 2 was being showed on the plane. Could not sleep again due to another baby wailing throughout the whole flight! Touched down at KLIA at 10.00pm (M'sian time)

that's all folks!!

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