Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Teaching.... A Gay Experience

Hey how ya all homies doin yo...

I am so bored at home, and so finally I got a job. Teaching. Today is my first day as a temporary teacher in SK Taman Megah. I am teaching 3 classes. 5A - BM. 2H - Moral and BM. 1M - Moral. The teacher i m taking over took 2 months of maternity leave. So i ll be doing this for the next 2 months.

Well, its quite ok actually. Basically you need to shout to be heard. Especially in 2H where the students are particularly naughty. All the students, especially the Std 1 and Std 2 students always complain about petty stuff.

"Teacher, he said the F word."
"Teacher, do we need to leave a line?"
"Teacher he beat me."
"Teacher, he poke me with a needle." (What the toot... bring a needle to school???)
"Teacher, she is crying."
"Teacher, he say s-t-u-p-i-d."


Ok I got quite mad and ask them all to sit down and keep quiet. I cant use shuddup lar lou mei right? Lucky for them. I ask the Std 5 class to bina ayat with 5 words - terbantut, membangkang, and some others which i forgot. They dun even know the meanings. So i had to explain and even gave them a contoh ayat. Guess what? I spent 1 hour doing all that. 1 hour for 5 bina ayat. What the toot???

When i was teaching, 1 girl in 2H cried for dunno what sharing food during recess. The problem is i dunno what the toot is the kids are talking. And i dun even know whether they understand whatever i said. Its like using the same language but I cant understand what they say. Swt.

Another girl from 1M cried also but i forgot for what. Some petty things.

I think if the std 5 class dun pass up their homework i m gonna punish them teruk teruk. Speaking about punishment. I cant cane them. The headmistress warned me like so many times before i taught today. No physical punishment also. Whatever lar. I think i ll just ask them to shake their asses in front of the class (thats what my teacher does during standard 6).

Haihz....I ll just do what i can.

The other teachers are quite friendly and helpful. There are also some trainee teachers who are taking their practical. They are quite friendly too. I saw some ex-DJ teachers teaching there. Good thing they still recognise me.

I think i ll go prepare tomorrow lessons. And I think i ll join the kids in playing football tomorrow after school.


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