Sunday, November 2, 2008

Poh Post ( where is the IMU post???? )

Ducks in Emmanuel College

Hello guys,

I have an announcement to make. Please don't be too excited as its not that I have girlfriend or I went clubbing or what. Its just that I am going to Nottingham games!!! No more my mom don't let!

I want to represent Cambridge in badminton but I don't think I will get any chance.

Anyway, now I will write about life here. I like Cambridge a lot. In fact, I love Cambridge. From the supervision to essays, to lectures, and to the strange clock in Corpus Christi college. The supervision is a session where 2 or 3 of students will have discussion with the supervisor in some topics. It is very very interesting as we get to explore the subject in greater detail, and to discover we are being cheated during A levels about all the proteins and enzymes. Enzymes and proteins are dynamic and they do change shape quite often. And, enzymes has the highest affinity towards transition state, not the substrate. Although enzyme active sites are small, the rest of the part of enzymes may be used to absorb kinetic energy of the randomly moving substrate, so that substrate can stay in the active site.

Its really exciting and interesting to explore the subjects. The supervisor will continually ask questions and guide us to things that he wants to teach us. We take 3 major subjects, which are biochemistry, physiology and anatomy. I just love biochemistry and physiology. Anatomy is worth learning because the supervisor is soooooooo nice. He can speak a bit of Chinese!! Can you believe that??

Now, things that we used to learn in Biology now makes sense when the supervisor or lecturers explain the reason the fact is established.

We have dissections 4 hours a week and some lab work. In the first practical, I learnt how to use a pipette. This pipette is dam cool and easy to use, unlike the one with the orange sucker in Taylors. We also used photospectrometer, and ELISA well plate reader and some other cool equipment.
Christ College

Besides academic, there are a lot of bar in Cambridge. People here are not nerds as you all perceive. They party more than you guys do k. There are BOP, pub crawl and so on. I didn't join any because my mom don't let. And because drinking is not my thing. I confess that I didn't even drink shandy before. Don't laugh k.

There is this bar named The Eagles. One day, Watson and Crick (founder of DNA) was walking towards the bar and suddenly realise the idea of DNA. Thats how the bar got famous. I am not sure whether its true or not.

In Cambridge we have formals where we have to dress formally, not forgetting the gown, to the hall to makan a 3 course meal. Food in Sidney is said to be the best in Cambridge, so I don't complain much.

Weather is getting colder. A few days ago it was raining ice. I was walking back from the lab and felt the rain was a bit too hard and cold, then I realise its ice falling off the sky.

Anyway, I will see you all around. Need to go study about how haemoglobin can bind cooperatively towards O2.

Corpus Christi world's strangest clock

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