Monday, November 3, 2008

Mei Yan Introduces IMU!

Hye everyone and especially Poh-poh who has been asking for this. IMU isn't half as pretty as Cambridge, so don't get your hopes up. But I still like IMU <3 (Even though I am super jealous of Poh-poh)

First off, tour of the building. IMU is basically built around this central space called the atrium so it's hard to get good shots of the inside. I missed out on a lot of stuff like the library, library cafe and the bookstore and stuff, so next time I'll take more pics okay.

View from outside, sun roof above the atrium, atrium, stage in the atrium. There's always some performance or activity going on in the atrium. Latest one was Breast Cancer Week and IMU Art Competition. And we're always having food fairs, God knows why.

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Medical Museum and a heart I was playing with during a session in there.

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Random shots: Somewhere on the 3rd floor, the ATM machine right by the entrance (like Taylor's!), cafeteria (food is awful!), auditorium where we have almost all our lectures (it looks nicer in real life haha).

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And then here are the people of IMU. I missed out shots of Wen Peng and Yuern Heng and Jen so that will be next time kay. Lots of Taylor's people are in IMU so it's kinda like Taylor's again except without AC and the rest of SS15, so that sucks.

Su Ann and Eunice (not Taylor's)



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Shaun and Ee Jin (Taylor's people~)


Tralala the end. Poh you wasted my valuable studying time. :p Cardiac cycle woo-hoo. Will post more about our schedule and take more pics next time. ^_^

Hope everyone is having fun!
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