Friday, March 27, 2009

Attention PM3

hey guys. monkeys of pm3.. =D I have an announcement to make. I was chatting with Tze Lin online and he mentioned that he is going to Redang with his flatmates. One from china and another one from italy (but he's chinese) lol. Anyways, Tze Lin asked whether PM3 wants to join or not. So, here I am. The messenger.

I haven't gotten all the details yet. But I think the info below would be sufficient for everyone to get the idea of how it is:

  • Date: 27th June
  • Duration: 3 days 2 nights
  • Price: RM 400 something. ( He said bout the same as Tioman trip)
  • Transport : Air Asia from KL  to Kuala Terengganu (He said bus is too long a drive.7 hours) then ferry to Redang Island.
So I guess thats pretty much all i know. I asked Tze Lin to come visit our blog so he can answer whatever questions anyone has. =) and he also said they will handle the booking and what-not.

How many people wants to go? The more the merrier. =D Hopefully this will be another great island getaway for pm3.

Redang batu??

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Poh Post

In this attempt to revive the blog, I shall post my adventure to London and also the botanical garden today.

I went to London yesterday to see the Londoners. Unfortunately, Ban and YS are busy with their studies. So, I had to meet up with Ken and Zhen Lim (a SMKDJ senior). I must say Ken changed quite a bit, as in like he is no longer as annoying and kiam siap.

So when I got there, Ken was too lazy to pick me up from the station as he was still sleeping. So, I had to trouble my friend instead. We walked in Hyde Park, and then went to Imperial College to see YS and Wen Yao. YS new hairstyle is quite cool now, as he doesnt gel up his hair like a rambutan anymore. We stayed in Imperial for a bit before going to Ken's favourite hang out place: Chinatown. Apparently, he goes there every single day. There is a gay bar in Chinatown, and any gay bar in London will have a flag with 6 of the 7 rainbow colours on it. The food in Chinatown was quite decent and much much cheaper compared to the ones you get in Cambridge.

Then, I went to LSE library. According to Ken, there are a lot of leng luis in the library during term time. It is quite a shame that they started their Easter holidays already. After that, Ken brought me to Lilywhites, where you can get very cheap sports jersey, equipments, etc. I saw a MU jersey which costs only 20 pounds!! My brother bought it for 200 ringgit in Malaysia. I bought a tennis racquet from Lilywhites which cost only 15 pounds (original price = 70 pounds). So, it was quite a good deal. Just hope that it wont break when I use it.

Went back at 5pm.

Botanical Garden

The botanical garden in Cambridge is awesome. They have a pond with a few ducks in it, and a greenhouse which features many different habitat with different plants. One of them was tropical plants and it really smells like home (according to my friend). The garden will look even nicer when summer comes.

Why does the tree only branches on one side?

2 gay ducks pak tor. Colourful ducks = male

If you are wondering why there is no pictures of London, its because I wanted to keep my moments with Ken in private. No lar. actually I didnt take any picture in London.

Lame Joke:
What do you get when you add 2 moles of Sodium to 1 mol of barium?

There are only 10 people in the world, those who knows binary and those who don't.

What bear can be dissolved in water?
Polar bear

Ciao guys. Keep the blog alive.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Touring UCD

Hi again guys. lol. This is another contribution to the revival of our blog. well, im having my holidays. soo, i went to UCD to visit our fellow pm3-ians xiao wei and bengsoon. Xiao wei brought me around UCD. I thought it was really nice. Open air and everything. nice change to the smack-in-the-middle-of-the-city Trinity. UCD has a huge campus compared to Trinity. In Trinity, the buildings are more packed together cause we don't have anywhere else to expand.Being in the city and all. 
So,i actually spent the day walking around UCD with Xiao wei. We went to visit bengsoons room as well, and i must say..surprisingly clean for a guy. =D (darn.shudve took pics. lol. oh well.tbs can do that..ehe.)and in the evening, xiaowei cooked her yummy tom yam chicken and we ate with bengsoon and his friend that cooked char siew. =) Had a great time guys!

The statue near the lake in UCD. Apparently at night,according to Bengsoon it looks like a ghost.

This thingy in UCD is an ovum. looks like an ordinary egg rite? thats what i thought at first.. but waitt...~

It has sperm on it when you look closely! hurmm~  i found it

Me and Xiao Wei. She brought me around UCD. =D thanx xwei!

The lake at UCD. purrrtttyyyy.
Xiao wei cooking tom yam chicken for someone special who came to visit!! ho ho ho =D
yum yum~ nicee~ thanx xiao wei! lurve tom yam! =) took forever for me to upload the pics. =.= sheesh.

St Patrick's Day in Dublin

Hey guys. Its St Patricks Day! there was a parade in Dublin. So here are some pics from the parade. (Cudnt post all. tooo many.. it was a long parade =.=) lol
Guess what theme,guys. (One of my favs of the parade!)

pretty girls eh eh? =D

Flower power theme. check out the dudes clothes!~ peAce~ lol

Horse drawn carriage
I thought it was quite brilliant how they stacked up those dolls on their
The Simpsons!

Mr Pringles. got a free packet of pringles. ho ho.

Hope you guys like the pics!~ Happy St Patrick's Day! =D
PM3 is rocks~
p.s joel, plan a class trip to an island again! =p

Monday, March 16, 2009

RCSI International Night 2009

Team Malaysia - Chinese Fan Dance. We also had an Indian and a Malay dance but I've yet to get the video so only this for now.

Spot me?

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Hi guys! ok this is gonna be such a random post but theres a new movie in town!! check it out!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Doggie Doggie Doggie!

so...classes has started and as schedule is crap...and the workload i got is more crap!

and the people in my class..woah!

some of them are just plain cybergenetic robots that study so hardcore!!

there's this dude that finished his 2nd and 3rd week work in the 1st week! WTF!

and this lady who has notes dated back to 19th Jan 2009! WTF! I was still working at Kizsports at that time man and she's already started her notes! HARDCORE!!

but class isn't as mundane as I thought it would be. cuz there's this dude who is super hyper...and is always damn pumped for lessons. he goes around saying, "I'm so psyched!! good morning everyone! how ya' all doing? Isn't today's lesson going to be awesome!" at first it was a lil irritating...but i find it amusing now!

and the second part is...labs are actually damn fun! i got to work on my robotic head today! played with the mirrors and tweezers and other instruments! fooh...damn cool la! was the ICC (i forgot what it stands for..probably Inter College Cup or Championship) Swimming Carnival! And since we Emmanuelians are blue... we wore blue stuff and painted our bodies and faces blue, marched around the uni campus yelling our warcries!

we also paper toweled St. John's (another college) and had a war cry fight with King's (yet another college..but they're our main rivals cuz their our neighbours). It was so AWESOME!

At the event, there was much dancing with the music while the swimmers swam...war cry battled with the other 4 colleges and cheered for our swimmers. Emmanuel got 1st place for girls and 4th for the guys!

Loving college life at the moment!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

part 3- the sunshine coast

As it was gonna be my last exciting activity for some time... i'd better blog about it before all the mundane crap of studying comes in.

I met with other CCM (Charismatic Christian Movement) members at 7.30 am on the 28th of feb (WTF!!!damn early...i had to eat breakfast on the way because i woke up at 7.00) at the Chancellor Building bus stop. To tell you the truth, i wasn't even a member of that group and i've only heard about the trip from my friend, Vivien, like yesterday at dinner. LOL! im so spontaneous la! So anywayz, i paid the membership fee + bus fee ($25 AUS)

So us 200 members were separated into groups...and i was in group Judah 7 along with Vivien and a few others whom i managed to make friends along the trip.

Our journey was like going from KL to Ipoh so it took about 2 hours++. We stopped for lunch at this place called Eumandi Market and took the opportunity to shop around a lil bit. the name is pronounced as You-! Anywayz, this place was like a pasar malam sell all sorts of things from craftwork, to baju's to i denu wat's la!

We left that place about 1.00 pm and arrived at the New South beach like about 2.00 ++. After applying lots of SP 60 lotion on myself (bloody hell la! yesterday at the Wet N' Wild, i got burned weii..came back with lobster shoulders!), i played Captainball with some other CCM members whom i didn't even know! It was quite fun la...i think us Wong's are pretty good at that cuzin Chris was damn pro la! lol!

After that, i took a walk along the beach ( i couldn't go into the water cuz of the sunburns and because i forgot to bring change of clothes :s) with a few other friends and Vivien.

Then about 3.30 i eased myself into a beach soccer game with unknown people! had lots of fun la! It felt SOOOOOO good to kick a ball again!

Left New South beach about 5.00 pm and headed back to Brisbane. Arrived at the UQ about 7.30. I was super hungry at that time and looked forward to a great dinner only to find out that dinner was served from 5.15-6.30.... aaarghh rite! so vivien and i ended up eating maggie at my room!

oh ya...i went to church the next day! and the service was like only 45 mins!! aussie masses rawks!