Sunday, March 8, 2009

part 3- the sunshine coast

As it was gonna be my last exciting activity for some time... i'd better blog about it before all the mundane crap of studying comes in.

I met with other CCM (Charismatic Christian Movement) members at 7.30 am on the 28th of feb (WTF!!!damn early...i had to eat breakfast on the way because i woke up at 7.00) at the Chancellor Building bus stop. To tell you the truth, i wasn't even a member of that group and i've only heard about the trip from my friend, Vivien, like yesterday at dinner. LOL! im so spontaneous la! So anywayz, i paid the membership fee + bus fee ($25 AUS)

So us 200 members were separated into groups...and i was in group Judah 7 along with Vivien and a few others whom i managed to make friends along the trip.

Our journey was like going from KL to Ipoh so it took about 2 hours++. We stopped for lunch at this place called Eumandi Market and took the opportunity to shop around a lil bit. the name is pronounced as You-! Anywayz, this place was like a pasar malam sell all sorts of things from craftwork, to baju's to i denu wat's la!

We left that place about 1.00 pm and arrived at the New South beach like about 2.00 ++. After applying lots of SP 60 lotion on myself (bloody hell la! yesterday at the Wet N' Wild, i got burned weii..came back with lobster shoulders!), i played Captainball with some other CCM members whom i didn't even know! It was quite fun la...i think us Wong's are pretty good at that cuzin Chris was damn pro la! lol!

After that, i took a walk along the beach ( i couldn't go into the water cuz of the sunburns and because i forgot to bring change of clothes :s) with a few other friends and Vivien.

Then about 3.30 i eased myself into a beach soccer game with unknown people! had lots of fun la! It felt SOOOOOO good to kick a ball again!

Left New South beach about 5.00 pm and headed back to Brisbane. Arrived at the UQ about 7.30. I was super hungry at that time and looked forward to a great dinner only to find out that dinner was served from 5.15-6.30.... aaarghh rite! so vivien and i ended up eating maggie at my room!

oh ya...i went to church the next day! and the service was like only 45 mins!! aussie masses rawks!

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