Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What's the plan on friday??

Is it confirmed?? Most probably....

Who is going?? No idea

How to get there?? Take rapid kl bus in front of Sri KL

What are we eating?? From the results of the poll, should be King Crab.

Answers please!!

Ken is Gay, proof on youtube.com

This is what we found on youtube using the keyword "ken is gay"

Click to enlarge

Here are some of the "interesting" videos titled ken is gay. Be warned: Not for the weak hearted and those who just ate.

I will only upload 3. You guys can check out the other Ken is gay videos on youtube by clicking here.

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Ant and the Grasshopper - The NEP Version

For those who have never read this very interesting e-mail. I was telling some of us about it during lunch this afternoon.

Original Version

The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The Grasshopper thinks the Ant is a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.
Come winter, the Ant is warm and well fed. The Grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold.

New Version

The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The Grasshopper thinks the Ant's a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.

Come winter, the shivering Grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the Ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.

TV1, TV2 & TV3 show up to provide pictures of the shivering Grasshopper next to a video of the Ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.

The majority of the Parliament is stunned by the sharp contrast.
How can it be that this poor Grasshopper be allowed to suffer so?

Khairy stages a demonstration in front of the Ant's house.

Nazri goes on a fast along with other Grasshoppers demanding that Grasshoppers be accorded the same comfort during winter.

Most of the related people criticize the Government for not upholding the fundamental rights of the Grasshopper.

The local newspapers (MSNs - MainStream Newspapers) & the Internet are flooded with online petitions seeking support for the Grasshopper (many promising Heaven and Everlasting Peace for prompt support as against the wrath of God for non-compliance).

The U Must Not Object controlled Parliament immediately passes a law preventing Ants from working hard in the heat so as to bring about equality of poverty among Ants and Grasshoppers.

Krishammudin provide 'More Special Reservation' for Grasshoppers in Educational Institutions & in Government Services.

The Ant is found guilty and fined for failing to comply with 30% sharing. Having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes; its home is confiscated by the Government and handed over to the Grasshopper in a ceremony covered by the MSNs.

Prime Minister announces to the whole nation that this is part of the Never Ending Policy and all have to respect, no questions asked and have to follow it.

Many years later

The Ant has since migrated and set up a multi-billion dollar company in its new country.

In spite of the NEP, 100s of Grasshoppers still die of starvation everywhere.
With the loss of many hard working Ants who worked very hard feeding the Grasshoppers, the country still remains a developing country!!!

Where will the country be without the ants............................

So.... are you the brilliant hardworking ant or the grasshopper that is dependent on the NEP
and forever hoping for aid???

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thank You Afiqah

Today, our class received a very nice surprise present from our former classmate, Afiqah, who left for KYUEM to study dentistry under the Bank Negara scholarship. We would all like to thank Afiqah for her wonderful present and thoughtfulness.

This is what Afiqah gave us. A nice card and a bottle of chocolates.

How thoughtful of her. Most of us thought she forgot us already.

She remembers all of our names. WOW. This is expected as she was
one of the top ten scorers for SPM.

The nice card she bought us.

The contents of the card. ALL THE BEST TO YOU TOO AFIQAH!!!

Thank you Afiqah.

PM3 would like to wish Afiqah all the best in her studies and future undertakings.

More proof that Poh is now the Gay King

Sui Poh, now known as The Gay King, or Cambridge Gigolo, is the new gay in our class. Read his confession here. Here are some photographic evidence that he is gay. haha.

No idea what is he trying to do here.

What sui poh did using wen peng's calculator.

Trying to lie to us that he likes a girl.

Trying to lie on the class blog.

Sui poh broke his red pen to show that he has indeed turned gay.

This is because the pen represented the girl he loved.

The new gay king is born. Be careful about your posteriors, guys. LOL

PS this gay thing is so funny.

Proof that PM3 is a Gay class.

Here's proof that PM3 is a gay class, based on poh poh's post. a few guys, namely nut, ban, permesh, beng soon, and desmond have no proof yet.

This is a gay. It's a guy, not a girl.

Desmond is gay because he teaches dancing.

Tze lin and Chia Yang gaying in front of teacher

gay lou and wei yang gaying. it looks as though mr ho is kissing him.

Wing cheong gaying with ken. Look how much ken has caused us to be gay

Mark being gay

Wen peng being gay.

Yan sheng being gay

Yuen Herng being gay.

Joel being gay.

And finally, the lord of gays being gay.

The king of gay being gay.

As of today, due to too much influence from ken, sui poh has been officially crowned as the king of gay. His new nick will no longer be poh, it will be gay king, or gay lou, or cambridge gigolo.

Sui Poh is gay

Lately, poh poh is getting gayier but the second. not sure if it is due to influence of ken, but even wen peng is saying that poh is getting gay. During the holiday, suipoh spends the whole day online. Then he complains to wen peng how he wants a mac book and keeps trying to gay with wp. Thankfully i didn't go online much during the holidays so i didn't let him gay me.

On top of that, poh keeps saying that he wants to kao lui, and when me and wp gives him advice to go after the girl, he doensn't have the guts. Today poh is quite emo because the girl he likes(MJ) didn't say hi to him. Then later, when she waved to him, he pretended not to see. POH, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??

One thing really funny is that, poh said that he used to be sooo cool, but since he mix with us, he says that he is becoming gay. LOL. damn funny lar. since form 2 already got people say he's gay with shi wen. stop trying to act cool lar poh. haha

anyway, this is just a joke, and suipoh is beside me when i am typing this. read his post to learn how pm3 is gay. haha

PS let's hope poh doesn't become a gigolo when he goes to cambridge.

PM3 is gay

People says that nowaday, i am getting more and more gay. Well, i don't deny that. But that is all thanks to yan sheng and wen peng and all pm3.

Wen Peng is gay because he has suffered numerous heartache, since form 3 i think, when he is with his first girlfriend.

Yan Sheng is gay because he cannot find his new gf and so needs to chop off his manhood just as he promised.

Nut has been always gay ( it is soooo obvious in class ). He tried to rape guys in his secondary school and even let guys rape him. He even slap ppls ass. Who knows tomorrow he will slap your dick.

Permesh is gay. This is due to the failure of all those recent attempt of going after girls. Now he is hitting on Emilia, i think. ( mark u got competitor!! )

Mark is also gay because he screams like a girl. (although now he does not do that so often, but he is still gay ) mark is after emilia by the way.

Joel is gay because he got fake boobs for his birthday. He also wanted me to be a sex slave, and wanted me to make him manager. He say he wants 90% of my pay. Can you imagine that?

Vin Fei always gay with Beng Soon. Since the start of college they seem to have an extraordinary degree of intimacy.

Oh right. I almost forgot the most influential gay, Homoken Gaylord. He is not so annoying anymore, but maybe because we are too used to his gayness. He keeps calling me 'pohluk' and yuen herng 'herng herng'. If you are wondering how he sounds, just say it like a gay while pinching your nose.

Chia Yang is gay, perhaps even gayer than Ken. He always likes guys. Sometimes he tried to change by saying a girl is pretty, but his taste is just ........ suks.... haha...

Wei Yang talks so loud and always sleep in class. The way he laughs is also gay. and for other reasons that we all know why, therefore he is also gay.

Tzelin is also gay because he likes to wear tight tight clothes like a girl, like Miss MNG. I think he is trying to impress chia yang.

Wing cheong is also gay. he was gaying with ken in class yesterday. YS has a photo but i can't upload it now because we're in the college library. i will ask him to post later.

Yuen herng is also gay. Because he is always so hyper about hiking, structures and nature. i think one day he'll hump a tree.

Desmond is also gay. He is the representative of our gay class. He likes to gay with ken, and he's the only one who will entertain ken. I think he's sad because his GF ruby already got another BF.

So basically, thats sums up all the reason for me being a gay. Thanks to all of them. Dont be surprised if I gay them one day.

Change of date for the class meal.

The class meal thing that was scheduled to be this friday, will be postponed to next friday because some people cannot make it. Thank you.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dr Mahathir on HARDtalk BBC

On a lighter note, watch this.

Bulgarian Idol! Watch this Bulgarian attempt to sing Without You or what she calls 'Ken Lee' by Mariah Carey. It's hilarious!

Class meal on Friday

wp, mark, yh, xw, joel and me (not sure about poh) have tentatively decided to belanja pm3 this friday, 25/4 after college.

The place wp suggest is restoran talipon, which is a buffet steamboat thing. However, this is only open at night. Poh says the food there isn't very nice. But this is only his opinion so i am not sure.

I suggest eating crab at king Crab. The seafood there is well known, but you guys will have to confirm early. We might have to book. And i think it is open for lunch as well. someone please confirm?

Both places are just opposite the kelana jaya station.
Please vote for where you want to eat.
And for the poll, only the first two choices are valid. the others are just for fun.

Holidays are over, time to resume studying....

Holidays are now over, and after a two week break, it's time to resume studying. If only the holidays are longer. Oh well.

Today we got all our trial papers back. Those who did well, congratulations. Those who didn't, try harder for finals and don't worry too much. This is only trials. By the way, when are you going to cut yourself in half, wei yang??? You said you will get full marks for paper 4 maths but you didn't. Or are you just all talk?

Another thing is that, Lixing beat Sui Poh in maths paper 4. Here's proof:

I guess sadness can give you strength improve.

Guess who is reading this.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hiking trip @ bukit kiara

As Ban predicted correctly before the hike, no girls actually came for this trip. Which isn't too hard to understand why actually. So, it was wenpeng, yuenherng, mark, suipoh (YES SUIPOH), and myself having a guys day out in the forest.

Instead of going into kiara park, we went into a forest trail outside the guardhouse that i never noticed b4. Wenpeng and yuenherng, being experienced scouts led the way, following green markers left there by their seniors. Markers like green paint on trees, rocks, etc. Suipoh obviously missed almost all the markers lah, and was constantly complaining about mosquitos. He even believed me when i told him to dance around shaking his body to prevent the mosquitos from getting to him man! You HAD to be there to see it la... =D and no i didnt record it sighh.. Well, eventually the path forked once too many, and we ended up taking the wrong one i think!? In fact i dont even know when we started getting lost. Just that the green markers disappeared all of a sudden. Yep we were kinda in the denser part of the forest, and it became harder to trek. All of us had sticks except suipoh again.. who was too stubborn and gungho to use one. And it was damn hilarious watchin him climb up the hill while tryin to motivate himself.. "Yess im going to do it, just a bit more! Yess!!" We did make it out la eventually, tho a bit off the original course. Nevertheless we still managed to get to a "water source" (drain pipe) and wash off there. Wenpeng was right it was super refreshing! After a group pic we started walkin back to the main entrance, and suipoh totally lost it here. The sole of his shoe came off which we obviously laughed at lah. And, he started running for some reason!!?? Dont ask... Maybe he wanted to prove he's fit haha!! XD

So.. that concludes out hiking trip as well as my first post! We had breakfast at some mamak which name i cant recall, and headed home to "study". Seriously gotta start already lahh sighh.

I think thats suipoh holding the sole of his shoe.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Does this person look familiar to you?

I don't know if you all would agree with me, but whenever I see this picture of Sufiah Yusof ( the Math genius who was admitted into Oxford at the age of 13 ) in the newspaper, it reminds me of one of our lecturers.

Next poll, will Sui Poh be a gigolo after entering Cambridge?

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Hey remember i said i was gonna organise another paintballing trip this hols? Well i was thinkin of this friday. Same place same time, which was bukit jalil and 10:00 for everyone who doesnt remember. Pls msg me if you wanna come my number's 0173610123. And spread the word too cos i know not everyone checks this blog. Hopefully around 15 ppl can come and it'll be just nice. And girls pls try to make it too i swear they have boob.. err i mean chest protectors. :D

Fun Games to Play

I know most of you guys are bored during the holiday. So here are some games to entertain yourself during this break. However, the volume in some of the games seem to be very low when I play them. Might be something wrong with the website.


Here are some games:

Optical Illusions: Test your eyes skills here!
Skills Tests: Test your steady hands. Click here!
Lost Dog: Help the owner find the his lost dog.
Bubble Pop: Pop the bubbles!! This game is the best(IMHO). Click here.
Test your skills: See how sharp your eyes are. Click here.

Hope you guys have fun and enjoy your holiday.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Free Rice

I've been visiting our class blog every few hours or so, but I find no updates. Sien. Anyway, we had a great time hiking today. It was fun, a bit challenging and very interesting; especially with a noisy complainer whose shoes spoil. And my hands are itchy now because of the mosquito bites. Joel will be giving the full update.

I wanted to help increase our blog posts some more so we can compete with PM7 ( yes, I'm tuck han mou yeh jou )
So let me introduce you to this website: Free Rice

This website has been running for a couple of months by the UN World Food Program.

By playing the vocabulary game on the website, we get to improve our vocabulary and also donate rice to the poor around the world. It is no hoax. The money to buy rice is generated from the ads that appear together with the questions. For each correctly guessed word, you send 20 grains of rice to the poor.

This is the video as proof that the poor are really getting rice from those playing this game http://documents.wfp.org/stellent/groups/public/documents/newsroom/wfp152916.wmv

P/S: See, we can really generate money with ads. Lets put up ads on our blog!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

hiking pt.2

To hikers,

Just for your information, the jungle tracking this friday will be an exciting one. The reason is because we will have to find our way through. The path is uncertain. Despite yuen herng and me went in once. So the duration of the whole thing might exceed two hours. It is a good opportunity to test our patients though. Haha.

For scouts or those experience ones, you can bring anything that you think is necessary. Yuen Herng said he will bring 1st aid kit along. You can bring your own if you want. Travel light though.

We will have to know who is really going before friday, which is tomorrow. So kindly sms mark, yuen herng or me to confirm. Thank you.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Buying Laptop.

Hey, Ken and Yan Sheng. Chilling lar... You two becoming like husband and wife fighting. If you want you can open a blog and fight until both of you are dead.
Anyway, Wen Peng and I were looking for a laptop. Macbook and Macbook Pro looks really enticing. However, comparing with other brands such as HP, Dell, Toshiba, and Acer, the price is a little higher for Mac for when you compare the same specs. However the new Mac OSX Leopard is superbly cool. The performance is good as it doesn't lag. According to the salesperson, Mac OS is not vulnerable to viruses.
As for Dell, some friends say that it is not as good because it does not last. Besides, the wifi system is not very good ( i think). Sony Vaio is cool but then people say it is good for display only. Yan Sheng says Acer laptop looks more suitable for kids.
I am not very sure about Acer and HP. Anyone care to give some opinions will be really appreciated. Anyone wants to buy laptop can buy together with me and wen peng and we might get more rebates and freebies. Haha....

Monday, April 7, 2008

Trip to Genting after A2

First of all, I would like to clarify something. I did not say that I’ll belanja for this Genting trip. What I’ll do is to try my best to get as many coupons as possible. However I’ll only get to know whether the company is giving coupons at the end of May because normally the company gives us the coupons that time. For the time being, if u guys are really interested to go to Genting, can someone pls go and find out the bus and cable car fare. And also make a poll to c whether u guys wanna take the bus fr 1u, kl sentral or elsewhere. Thanks.

Anwar's Long-Shot Gamble

Our class seems to be fighting real hard. We see of verbal disputes as below and we are also fighting hard to gather more posts to beat PM7's blog. Let me help increase our class blog post.

Check out this article. http://www.asiasentinel.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=367&Itemid=31&gclid=COuMtu2uyJICFQvWbgodyT2lbA

It is pretty interesting relating to our current political situation in Malaysia. Yes, it is a long article, but it is worth reading especially since we Malaysians are only fed with one-sided news from our strongly-controlled mainstream media. It provides a more international view of Malaysia.

Asia Sentinel is a Asian webzine ( online magazine ) gaining popularity since the shrinking coverage of Asian media ( i.e. closure of Asiaweek and others )

"He (Anwar) was ousted as deputy prime minister and jailed for six years on charges of corruption and sexual perversion that are almost universally regarded as trumped up. Since his release in 2004 following Mahathir’s retirement, Anwar has largely been outside Malaysia, lecturing at universities in the United States and maintaining that Mahathir’s government went after him to end his political career after he called attention to the endemic corruption in the party."

"Najib has previously been impervious to corruption charges, particularly over a huge commission paid to his family for the purchase of submarines for the Malaysian navy, but he has come under additional scrutiny over questions about his role, if any, in murder charges against a prominent Malaysian political analyst with close ties to some of the country’s top political figures.

Abdul Razak Baginda, 46, and two members of a special police unit under Najib that normally exists to protect diplomats, face charges in the murder of a young Mongolian woman, Altantuya Shaariibuu, whose body was found in a patch of jungle near the Kuala Lumpur suburb of Shah Alam in November. She had reportedly been shot twice and torn apart with hand grenades available only to Malaysia’s security forces after trying to get Abdul Razak to acknowledge fathering her baby."
Enjoy your holidays and please read the blog post below about the hiking trip by Yuen Herng. It has been pushed lower by many other posts, including this =P

Hiking Trip

Hey brothers and sisters of PM3, Happy holidays.

Just to let you all know that I will be organizing a hiking event in the jungle in kiara park in Taman Tun Dr Ismail. This will be a time where we take some time to relax and enjoy mother nature. Listening to the birds chirping, insects chatting and many more. The hiking will be very relaxing and interesting. The hike will take the most is around 2 hours.

The event will be held on this friday, 11/4/08 and we will gather around 8.30 am.

Things to bring will be

  • sunblock
  • mosquito repellent
  • cap
  • trackbottom or short pants
  • additional clothing because you will get a bit wet when hiking through the river
  • towel
  • hiking shoes
  • camera (capture the wonders of mother nature and the wonderful moments)

Those interested can kindly tell Mark or me by call or email (markteen@gmail.com or lyh70@hotmail.com. Those having transport problems also do not hesitate to contact us, there will be a helicopter standing by.

Please kindly confirm your attendence as soon as possible.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Class Outing On The Last Day of Trials

On the 4th of April, our class went to Sunway Pyramid to chill out after trials. A total of 18 people went. This makes this one of our most successful class trips since ice skating. Ken also was also a large factor why so many people turned up. The KIAM king is actually buying us lunch, but there was a catch. More on that later.

Firstly, we all took separate cars to pyramid and met up at the cinema. Pohluk saw may jin at the cinema and quickly ran down the escalator. What a coward. LOL. There was much debate as to what movie to watch. Some wanted to watch forbidden kingdom which wasn't even out, some wanted to watch deadly ghost but the girls had were scared, some wanted to watch spiderwick chronicles but some people watched it already, and some wanted 27 dresses just because it's a chic flick. Finally, we all decided to buy 27 dresses. 18 tickets total. They tickets printed 6 bucks, but the guy charged us 8 bucks each. I'm not sure why, maybe he wasn't happy or there was too many people or maybe the prices are higher on friday. But it's too late now i guess. Oh well.

Then, once we got our ticket and paid our money to the loan shark who were scared we will all run away, we all went to Kim Gary, where Ken is supposed to buy us lunch. But there was a catch. He was only paying RM 200 for the whole bill, and it INCLUDES the expensive food that he ordered for HIMSELF. The meal was enjoyable because everyone was chatting and joking around. The bill came up to RM 309 because there was student card discount and no service and gov tax. Since Ken agreed to pay RM200, the remaining RM109 was divided between 18 people. So we all paid and extra 6 bucks while Ken paid RM201. However, his generosity has an ulterior motive. He plans to claim the RM309 from his dad's company, which means it is almost like we are giving him RM109. So cunning. He might as well just pay the whole sum of money and claim it. Cunning Ken. Thankfully the receipt disappeared at the restaurant. But anyhow, even though we were cheated and almost paid ken RM109, we all would like to thank Ken for buying us the meal at Kim Gary. THANKS KEN.

After lunch, the guys went bowling while the girls went to shop. I have no idea what the girls did or where they went, so it's up to the girls to blog about their part here. Anyway, we went bowling and had a blast whacking Ken. All of us defeated Ken except for desmond. Don't worry, you will defeat him next time!! But you know who was making a lot of noise but he didn't want to play. Keep quiet if you're not playing.

Then we all went to the cinema to watch the movie 27 dresses. The girls find it nice and interesting, but i find it too predictable. It's not unique. But some parts were quite funny though.
Recommended if you're a girl.

After the movie, we all went back home. Nut, amplifier, muscleman, ban-ko, tbs, cheong zai and me went to play basketball near ban-ko's house. The floor was wet, so we didn't really play all out. Let's organize another game after our holidays. By 6.30pm, we all left the court and went home.

Oh, and several notes:
  • It's you, emilia.
  • Ban-ko, he didn't want to give them to your first because someone wanted to sit with someone.
  • I think i was revenge, nut. Tit for tat i guess.

Here are the photos from that day. Do you guys actually read the blog?

Joker and Yuen Herng having fun with what's-his-name cutout outside the cinema.

Wen Peng trying to impress Lixing with his new earring.

Ken trying to impress Desmond with his own earring but
fails and only confirms that he is gay. lol

Li Xing not impressed with Wen Peng's earring.
But Xiao Wei is. HAHA

Everyone looking at the menu to see what to eat. So cool.

Now Gangster Chan is pissed at joker for acting gay.

Yuen herng and Desmond enjoying themselves at Kim Gary.
After all, Ken is buying.

Ken is staring at Lixing and she is looking away.

Now wen peng is pissed at ken for looking at his girlfriend.

Guess who is behind the paper??

Candid shot.

Two girls who rarely joins our class outings.

Playing a prank on Ken.

This is what we wrote. Click for a larger image.

Future Cambridge student. This is the first time Pohluk joined our class outing.
Stone rice from Kim Gary recommended by Wen Peng. Quite nice.

Suipoh's seafood cheese baked rice. I think it has abalone.

Yuen Herng looking at what the cambridge student is eating.

Squid from slipperling's stone rice. It looks scary.

Playing bowling. Our goal is to defeat Ken.

Is that a strike? Desmond looking on as Joker bowls.
Final score. Ken lost to everyone except desmond. Ken is K.
Click for larger view.

The ticket price shows 6 bucks but the guy charged us 8.
No idea why though. But i think it's because it's a friday.

Well, that all for that day's outing. I hope you guys have a fun holiday. Enjoy yourselves.