Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Buying Laptop.

Hey, Ken and Yan Sheng. Chilling lar... You two becoming like husband and wife fighting. If you want you can open a blog and fight until both of you are dead.
Anyway, Wen Peng and I were looking for a laptop. Macbook and Macbook Pro looks really enticing. However, comparing with other brands such as HP, Dell, Toshiba, and Acer, the price is a little higher for Mac for when you compare the same specs. However the new Mac OSX Leopard is superbly cool. The performance is good as it doesn't lag. According to the salesperson, Mac OS is not vulnerable to viruses.
As for Dell, some friends say that it is not as good because it does not last. Besides, the wifi system is not very good ( i think). Sony Vaio is cool but then people say it is good for display only. Yan Sheng says Acer laptop looks more suitable for kids.
I am not very sure about Acer and HP. Anyone care to give some opinions will be really appreciated. Anyone wants to buy laptop can buy together with me and wen peng and we might get more rebates and freebies. Haha....


Mark Teen said...

Get a Mac! Cuz it's cool to hold one. Hahaha. Though it is abit pricey, I think it is worth it. But if you wanna go for something less pricey, I think Dell is good. My sister used Dell and it lasted her for about 5 years. Their pricing compared to their specs are quite reasonable as well. Well, that's my opinion lah. I'm not sure about the other computers. But do tell me, I might wanna get one too.

TBS said...

To all of you wanting to buy a laptop. Please buy a laptop only when u need it. Meaning like a month before ur going overseas. This is because the prices of computers, lap/desktops drop rapidly overtime. When looking for one please make sure there is a worldwide warranty if ur not confident u can fix any problem by urself.