Monday, August 18, 2008

Thanks to Ken and Weiyang

Today, there was this VIP who gave a speech during the Award Ceremony. In his speech, he told us a meaningful story titled "Who packed your parachute?". Basically its just asking everyone to thank those who had helped you in your life.

So, I would like to take this golden opportunity to express many thanks to this 2 outstanding people on behalf of PM3.

No 1: Foong Pui Ken

He has many names : Gaylord, Gay lou, and everything that associates to gay. Why we would like to thank him is because he belanja-ed us quite a number of times, (although most of the time reluctantly). And there is more to come, including the upcoming karaoke. THANK YOU KEN!!!

He was always zhat by us and then he became our favourite conversation topic due to his funny voice and his gay actions. Thank you Ken. Without you, we wont be so united against you. Without you there is nothing to talk about. You are our mascot. PM3's symbol of gay.

He is almost drowned in Tioman. He cant stand against cold or strenous activity due to thallasemia. He gets seasick easily and I dunno how is he going to stand more than 12 hours of flight to London. He sleeps beside Desmond during Tioman and I think he enjoyed it very much.

Ok lar... Although we zhat you all the time, I admit that you have changed a LITTLE BIT to become less annoying. There is still room for improvements. So, work harder ken. And dun stalk anyone in UK. (I m sure he has found out who is going LSE during the Award Ceremony just now and targeting them down.)

No 2: Wei Yang

Nickname : loudspeaker. Due to the way he talks and laughs very loudly. We would like to thank you for belanja-ing us dinner in Tioman. I personally thank you for being my bed-mate and room mate in Tioman (although he gets drunk sometimes). You are also one of our favourite topic in our conversation.

So thanks a lot to both of you. You two gave us much pleasure (and also quite some headache) during the 1 and 1/2 years in Taylors. Good luck in your future undertakings.

PS : To the toot that is using my name in the chatbox : Can you stop using my name? Its really annoying.

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